King Of the Flowers

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King Of the Flowers

Alana's POV

The patio in the garden was beautiful. Roses and tulips and daisies growing rapidly around the bushes and railings as the vines wrapped around the fencing. Butterflies of all sorts floating about as they made their rounds from flower to flower and sometimes landing onto the tables to suck up sweet drips of honey that would fall from a plate or two.

Renly sat across from me with his legs crossed and tapping a finger onto the cherry wood table top that had been glossed over and finished beautifully. The tapping sound matched the tune of the song Jenny of Oldstones. A timeless classic if I must say so myself.

His hair sparkled in the sunlight that peeked in, although the patio had been covered where we sat. Fences made so that the vines and flowers would grow and create shade and protection from the elements above us and allowing for just hints of sunlight to come through.

Renly sipped his tea and smiled at me briefly before clearing his throat. He stopped tapping and then called the servant over to bring the lemon cakes and biscuits.

"Don't forget the strawberry sauce that my sister enjoys with her cakes." Renly added with a snap of his fingers as the servant boy nodded and then turned away.

I shook my head and laughed. "Since when did you become so..."

"Don't say it." Renly scoffed with a smirk on his face. "I am not demanding; I simply want to be sure my favorite sister has all she needs on this beautiful morning."

I raised a brow of suspicion to him. "I'm your only sister, Renly."

"Aye, you are. But even if I had another sister you'd still be my favorite." A wink as he raised his teacup to his lips and sucked down another sip of the tea he had sweetened with honey and a bit of lemon sitting in the bottom of the cup, Stannis said Renly and I drink our tea the way our mother had took hers.

I raised my cup to my lips in return to hide the distaste on my face. I'd grown suspicious sitting here, clearly there was something he wished to speak with me about but per usual, he was dancing around the conversation.

I wondered if Renly had spoken to Robert and perhaps Robert wanted him to speak with me about selecting a suitor or one would be selected for me. If that were the case then Renly would surely be nervous to say something to me. He knew that I'd be more vocal with him than with Robert.

The servant boy dropped the cakes onto the table with a side of strawberry sauce as I liked, oranges and apples sliced and served on another plate and a pitcher of wine placed next onto the table.

"This looks so lovely." Renly smiled.

I nodded. "It sure does." I replied although my stomach had still been turning from the nightmare I had last night. Seeing the strawberry sauce sitting in front of me had me wanting to start retching.

It's not blood... It's not Robb's blood... I had to keep reminding myself. Even the wine as it was poured into a cup looked like blood running. Reminding me of the way the blood had coated the floors in my dream. I held my breath for a moment and then faked a smile to Renly.

"What is bothering you, sister?" Renly asked.

I shook my head and forced myself to sip the wine that so badly resembled blood to me. Choking it down and trying to tell myself it was not the blood of Robb Stark. His blood was not on my hands, he was alive and well and probably training in the courtyard with Jon and Joffrey, whilst Tommen and Brandon and Rickon would watch them in amazement.

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now