Every Rose Has Its Thorn

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Every Rose Has Its Thorn

Robb's POV


My son... Jacerys Stark... I have a fucking son... Gods be fucking good... He's so beautiful...

There were not enough words even in the entire citadel to describe this feeling that coursed through my veins and straight to my heart. A heat building inside of me like a fire big enough to warm an entire city. A piece of me that I had been missing all along was there, right there, laying asleep in my arms.

"He does not sleep well for people he doesn't know," Alana said with a soft smile. "He must know already that you are his father. I've talked about you to him plenty."

Everything about her looked different but in the best way possible. She glowed differently and took more pride in herself. She walked with more confidence than she ever did and the way she handled our son, the way she looked at him... There was so much love.

I rocked and bounced the boy ever so gently in my arms. I hadn't held a child this small since Rickon was born and that was nearly 6 years ago. I was just a boy myself and didn't touch him again until he was roughly 2 years of age. He could walk and run on his own and if he fell it was his own damn fault, the last thing I wanted was for mother to scream at me for dropping my baby brother.

"How does he sleep at night?" I asked. "Do you get enough rest? I can take him tonight if you-"

"He stays with the nurses at night," She said as she walked closer to me, resting her head against my arm and stroking her hand gently over Jacerys's head. A slight smile from him as he could sense his mother's touch. "It would also not be appropriate for you to have him for too long or even alone at that. They all believe him to be Jaime's son."

"So, when his birth was documented by the Maester-"

"His name says Lannister..." She muttered softly. "But the Maester did not send word to the citadel and will not until you and I can wed. There is much going on that even I do not know about but Lady Olenna promises me to just be patient."

Knowing that my son carries the name Lannister when people see him in the halls sickened me. He does not even look a drop Lannister; my boy is all me. He has Alana's hair but even so, he is me. From his eyes to his nose and even the shape of his hands. I could feel in my chest an ache of fear that as Alana walked these halls that the maids and server boys probably spoke of her and our son and placed bets on who the father was. It was clear Jaime was not his father and if she could convince them either she was brilliant or they were idiots.

"This does not change that he is your son Robb, he is your son." She looked tired in a way. Not from lack of sleep but from this charade she had to keep up. A loving and doting wife to Ser Jaime Lannister and mother of his child. Sister to the King who she must proclaim heavily for and speak so kindly to others of the Queen. She was tired of not being able to be her true self.

"Where were you all day?" I should not have asked but I did anyways. I saw her out the window of my chambers and she was having lunch or tea, something of the sorts, with Lady Olenna, Margaery and of course- Ser Jaime. But she did not know that I knew. She did not even know I was here.

"Trying to find out who the secret guest was..." She started to smile again. "And it was you-"

"And Jon too." I added returning the smile. "Jon is freshening up in his room now."

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now