Amor Prohibido

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Amor Prohibido

Alana's POV

I fucking hate King's Landing.

I've lived here for 14 years and honestly it fucking sucks. The hallways are so long and narrow and it takes forever to get from one side of the Red Keep to another. I didn't want to come here at all. I wanted to stay with my brother in Storm's End, my home. The only place that I could feel my parents still with me.

My father died when my mother was pregnant with me. She had just told him that she was expecting again, just over a year after my brother was born. My father was convinced they could only have boys.

They already had 3 boys after all.

My Godfather, Jon Arryn, used to tell me how my father had told my mother before he died that if it was another boy, they'd name him Jacerys. But my mother had a feeling it wasn't a boy that she carried in her womb. And she was right. It was me.

"If it is a girl, as you say, well- then name her something that sounds good with your name." My father had told my mother.

So for months she rubbed her belly and spoke to me. Singing me songs of love and songs of war. Jon Arryn says my mother had the voice of angel and it was a shame that I'd never get to hear it.

Jon has convinced me that my father was aware of the name my mother had chosen for me before he died in that fucking shipwreck. But I don't believe him. I think my father died not knowing what my name would be.

Sometimes I wondered if that was why I didn't want to leave Storm's End. Part of me hoped that maybe my father had just washed up on a shore somewhere in Essos or Pentos and would return home someday. That if I left he'd never know that he had a daughter after so many years of trying for one.

He was older than most men are when they have children. Aside from Walder Frey, for some reason that old fuck has more kids than anyone can keep track of. Even houses his own bastard children which most noble men and lords don't do.

Unless they're like my brother's best friend. The hand to the king.

Oh- I forgot to mention, yeah, my brother is King Robert Baratheon and that's why I had been forced to move to King's Landing when I was 5 years old. My brother Renly was 7 and the two of us had been seen as too young to hold Storm's End on our own.

Robert had awarded Stannis, our eldest brother, Storm's End but Stannis couldn't move there right away. He had just gotten married and had some work and travel he had to do first. It took a few years and Renly and I were stuck with our Godfather, Jon Arryn, until Stannis could hold our ancestral home.

Renly had been awarded Dragonstone and me? I got nothing. I got the privilege of being reminded daily that I am the reason our mother is dead. It was my "fat head" that ripped her open and made me bleed until she died.

Robert would get drunk and laugh in my face. He'd called himself a "mother fucker" for fucking his wife who was the most beautiful queen and mother he'd ever seen, and then he'd call me a "mother killer" and although he says it as a joke, it bothers me to no end.

His wife, Cersei of House Lannister does not find the jokes funny either. She has cursed at him and shamed him for his sense of humor on many of occasions. Although the only person he doesn't make the jokes in front of is our eldest brother, Stannis.

But those jokes eat at me.

Most days when I'm walking through the Red Keep I keep my head down and mind my own business. There's people at every turn and every corner. Being alone here has never been an option and honestly it never will be.

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