The Plot Thickens

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The Plot Thickens

Cersei's POV

It was rare that my husband would request an audience in his chambers for just myself and him. Robert did not like to speak with me often and usually if he did it was just to try to have his way with me in hopes we'd get along for just a day longer.

Sitting at his large oak desk I kept my legs crosse and held a cup of wine in my hand. Swirling it around every so often and then taking a sip of it. Robert had sat across from me writing away, for a moment I wondered if maybe he just wanted to be around me.

A glimmer of hope you could call it.

Until he blew onto the ink to dry it quicker, placing the quill back into the ink and folding up the letter. Taking the heated wax and creating a seal on in it. As though I were not there, he called for Ser Barristan Selmy who entered the room and took the letter from Robert's hand.

"Deliver it yourself, Selmy. I trust you greatly." Robert told him.

A nod from Ser Barristan before he excuse himself and exited the chambers. The doors closing behind him and there had been nothing, but silence left in the room. Silent enough to hear a pin drop.

Robert cleared his throat and then sipped his wine that he shockingly had not touched for the last hour that I had been in here, just sitting here, watching as he wrote letter after letter. Until he finally got his wording right, it had been perfect, to him at least.

"Where is Ser Barristan going?" I asked softly.

Robert grinned. "Winterfell."

I hummed, "Hmm?" And gave a confused look.

Robert nodded as he placed the cup back to the desk. "I have one last suitor and I think he may be the one.. Ben Stark."

"You can't marry the girl to Benjen Stark." I hadn't even realized my tone until I saw how Robert scrunched up his face and his cheeks grew red with anger. "She is far too young for him."

"But not too young for your brother?" He argued. "Your father wants me to give up the greatest knight aside from Selmy, just so Jaime can wed my sister? I'll be damned!"

"I don't think she should wed my brother either." I replied. "Why not someone closer to her in age? Someone she already knows?"

"Who?" Robert asked as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"Robb Stark?" I suggested.

I promised Alana I'd speak with Robert about the Stark boy. I wanted her to be safe and not be shipped off and sold to some random man the way I had been sold to Robert Baratheon for something my brother and father did. I had no choice in the matter but I'll be damned if Alana is given the same treatment.

Alana didn't know but during the feast last night I watched as she sat with her beloved. How his eyes gleamed at her and then the way he had been grinding his teeth in rage and anger to see her wrapped in the arms of my own brother.

Robb Stark is in love with Alana and it is plain for anyone to see. I knew from the first moment she spoke his name to me how enchanted by him she had been, but I watched last night to be sure he had been wonderstruck by her the same exact way that she was to him. I would not fight for the two to be together if I could see any hint in his eyes or body language that he'd one day turn out like Robert.

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant