Son of a Traitor

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Son of a Traitor


Alana's POV

Highgarden, Westeros

A rider came from King's Landing faster than the raven that had been sent. I sat at the table in the garden with Renly, the two of us completely alone trying to wrap our heads around the death of our elder brother.

Robert was really dead. Killed by Lord Eddard Stark right at the painted table during a small council meeting. It was written by the hand of my niece Myrcella and the rider who came said he saw Robert's body himself. Soon the chatter filled the Kingdom. Some even saying they could heard the bells of King's Landing all the way in Highgarden.

The rider also told us that Ned Stark usurped the throne, when Renly asked how Stannis allowed for such a thing, we were quickly informed that Stannis truly did allow it. He did not want the throne and agreed that Ned had won it fairly, but that is not something I believe.

"I'd like to speak with Stannis face to face." I said to Renly, both of us garbed in black from head to toe. Although we were angry with Robert and plotting against him on our own, we still had to play the grieving siblings.

"Cersei must have thrown Stannis in the dungeons." Renly replied. "That's the only way I could believe that Stannis would allow for his own brother to be murdered in front of him."

"What would you wish for us to do, brother? Storm King's Landing? Demand that Stannis take the throne? If he truly does not wish for the throne then it would belong to you. Is that what you want, Renly?" I rolled my eyes. "You can hardly rule over Dragonstone, but you think you could rule the entire Seven Kingdoms?"

Renly shook his head at me. "No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I don't wish to rule I just think something is wrong for Stannis to allow this to happen."

"And what if Stannis did allow it? Who are we to argue the judgment of our elder brother? I trust Stannis far more than I ever trusted Robert, and I am glad to have been that way. I am finding myself unable to trust the way I once could." I replied.

We were left completely alone in the gardens. Off in the distance of the yard was Jaime with Mace Tyrell, Jon, and Robb. All of which were drinking while horses ran freely. Ghost and Greywind tight at Robb and Jon's sides. Jaime held Jacerys in his arms and even from this distance I could see it chewing up and eating away at Robb.

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I watched. My gaze not breaking as Jaime bounced Jace in his arms, calming and soothing my sweet boy. His hair coming in and I noticed this morning it was not only getting lighter, but it was turning auburn. In the sunlight his hair was the same color as Robb's. And that frightened me dearly.

Robert may be dead but that would not make any of this easier. There were still too many people who we had lied too about Jacerys's parentage and my own "marriage" to Jaime Lannister. I feared for my son's life and Robb's life. But still, even before fearing for my own, I feared for Jaime's life.

He may have offered himself to help me just to have a piece of me, and that was wrong on his part. But I am stuck here, torn between two wonderful men. One who I've loved since I was just a girl and the other who saved me from having my head decorating King's Landing, for that I'd always carry him in my heart.

"How's that going?" Renly asked with a smirk as he sipped his wine. "The Robb situation must not be going as planned, you're still here."

"Margaery told you didn't she?" I asked softly, picking at the threads on my sleeve and dropping them down to the cold stone floor. "I'm not upset with her, please don't think that. I'm just... Upset."

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum