The High Road

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The High Road

Robb's POV

King's Landing, Westeros

Jon swung his sword at me, the Valryian steel sword he was gifted from a man he met years ago on a trip with father, nearly took my arm off had I not shifted myself quickly. We decided to say fuck it to the targets that we normally trained with today and wanted to sword fight with each other.

Prince Joffrey wanted to join too. Knowing what I know now made it difficult to look at him. Especially with how much he looks like Jon and my father. I so badly wanted to turn around with my sword and knock him on his ass.

Alana's voice echoed in my ears though. Like an angel on my shoulder telling me to do the right thing. He didn't ask to be born, Robb... Leave him be... He's still your brother by blood. I wished she was whispering for real in my ear right now rather than just a memory of her voice guiding me.

She sent a raven a few weeks ago and since then I have no heard from her. She says she had a fake wedding to Jaime Lannister and even he is in on it to protect her. But I don't trust it. I'm not there to make sure he doesn't trick her. To be sure he doesn't lay a finger on her or my baby... My baby that's growing each day and I don't even know if I'll make it to Highgarden to meet my child.

"Behind you!" Jon shout to me.

I turned quickly and ducked to the ground. Tripping Joffrey by the ankles and throwing his ass to the ground too. He landed hard and grunted and seethed through his teeth in pain. Exhaling a deep breath as I got up and reached my hand to his as I towered above him.

He placed his hand in mine and I pulled him closer to me without fully pulling him up. I went right to face, my nose nearly touching his and said, "Don't ever come up behind on an opponent. There is no honor is killing a man when he can't look you in the eyes to see you kill him. Your uncle should know plenty about that... He is the Shamed Kingslayer after all."

"I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"Next time you try to sneak up on me, I'll show you what the eyes of a killer look like." I tossed him back to the ground, taking my sword from the ground and putting it back on my hip. Nodding to Jon. "Let's get inside. I've had enough for today."


I sat in my room thinking of all the words I could say to Alana. All the stories I could share with her but I didn't want to make it all about me. I wanted to ask of her, to know how her days are being spent. To know how many kicks she feels a day and to know how big our baby is growing inside of her now.

But the parchment sat blank and the ink on my quill was drying up. My wrist and hand were frozen, unable to form a single word to write to her.

A knock on my chamber door had me placing the quill down back into the inkwell. I turned in my chair and called for the visitor to enter. To my surprise it was Tyrion Lannister. Most days he stayed in is tower but it was rather nice to see him out and about. And to receive a visit from him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, my Lord?" I said as I offered him a seat.

Tyrion sat down across from me and smiled as I offered him wine that he graciously accepted. He took a sip and grinned.

"Lady Stark will return on the morrow." He raised a brow. "I hear from Jon Snow that you two plan to ride to Highgarden? Now how do you suppose Robert will allow that? Especially with news that came today... Delayed news but still news."

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now