Chapter Thirteen: Mountain of Beasts

ابدأ من البداية

As the sun begins to dip toward the horizon, my nerves begin to get the better of me. When Viserion finally knocks on my open door, it makes me jump with fright.
"It's nearly time." He calls out, "Are you ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose." My heart thumps uncomfortably as Viserion steps into the room and takes me in from head to toe. I flush with the heat of his gaze. His lips purse and I find myself getting distracted by the lovely shape of his mouth.
"Come on Viserion says. Together, we hurry into the courtyard just as the last rays of the sun turn rosy as the sky bleeds into twilight.
"You're...quite sure this will work?" I ask slowly. Viserion raises a brow.
"Having doubts?" I shake my head.
"I have faith in you." Though he doesn't smile, something about his expression warms as he steps closer.
"You have a courageous heart. Foolish, perhaps, but noble. For a mortal." He adds. He settles his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes, "If we come to trouble, run. Do not look back."
"But–" I begin but he shakes his head.
"While my heart is incomplete, I am immortal. You are not." He says firmly, "Run, hide, do what you must. I will find you again when the moon sets." Then he glances up at the sky.
"It's nearly time. Are you ready?" I nod mutely, breath quickening a little as Viserion's clothes dissolve into smoke, drifting away and leaving him bare in the failing daylight.
"The change will take place at any–" Viserion begins, but a sudden shudder runs through him and he startles, gasping.
"Are you alright?" I ask quickly. He drops his head weakly as a pair of powerful wings burst forth between his shoulder blades. The hands that grip my shoulders flex suddenly as Viserion lets out a pained cry. Viserion squeezes his eyes shut for a moment before opening them to look at me with eyes as black and full as the night sky.
"You needn't look at me." He states, "I know this form is... monstrous to you." I shake my head slowly
"You aren't responsible for your curse. This is not who you truly are." I cradle his cheek, my fingers brushing the skin where his wings emerge.
"I know you. I'm not afraid." I whisper. Viserion's throat works wordlessly.
"Alora..." He turns his face upward to the darkening sky, "Let us fly then." He takes me in his arms and with a powerful unfurling of wings, we ascend.

I scream and my stomach drops as air rushes past my face, stealing my breath. I cling to Viserion as we climb higher and higher into the sky. The fierce wind rips through the thin fabric of my clothes, woefully inadequate protection against the frigid night air. I'm soon shivering uncontrollably. Viserion tightens his arms around me, the warmth of his body my only reprieve. The vast tapestry of the Fae woods stretches out below as the world falls away beneath us, becoming miniature and distant.
"This is incredible!" I exclaim. Initial terror soon morphs into sheer, giddy joy. Viserion tries to speak, but his words are lost in the wind.
"What did you say?" I yell. The headrush of ascent slows as Viserion's wings stretch wide, the wind quieting as we glide through the air. His voice is warm and sure in my ear.
"There. Do you see? That is the glen where we first met." He nods out a nondescript patch of trees.
"It looks so small... I'm amazed you remember where it is." I reply. Viserion's black eyes glow golden with the reflection of the setting sun as he looks ahead. "I remember everything about that day."
I hold back a sudden burst of emotions.
"Can you see my village?" I ask. He nods.
"Just there. You can see the wall that your kind built to keep us out quite clearly." I glance over my shoulder to see the dim firelight glowing from the windows of toy-sized houses.  
"It looks so small..." I mumble.
"You shall be there again soon," Viserion says. There is a sudden pang in my heart, but it's not quite the emotion I expect.
"What about...there? What is that?" I point out a large, white castle that rises above the trees in the distance, glinting in the setting sun. Viserion's hold on me tightens as his eyes land on the building and he lets out a low growl.
"The Sun Palace."            
"Where Prince Aeron lives?" I gasp. Viserion nods.
"The very same." His arms squeeze me more securely against his chest. I look down as we pass the Sun Palace, gasping in awe at the glowing tower of the castle with a shimmering golden roof.
"...You know, I have never flown with anyone else before." Viserion says, breaking my daze, "It is...enjoyable." I look up at Viserion. His face is beautiful, noble, proud, and dangerous, wind rippling his dark hair.
"It is." I sigh. A sharp, sudden longing stabs in my chest, making me lose my next breath. I... I love him. The realization dawns on me with a mixture of relief and heartache. I love him so terribly it hurts. Viserion carries me effortlessly, the world rushing by below. For what feels like ages, it's as though we're the only two beings in existence. It doesn't change anything. I don't wish to go, but what other choice do I have? Tears begin to prick the corners of my eyes, scattering in the frozen wind like tiny diamonds. If it must end... if this love is doomed... then I will cherish every moment of it that I have left. Every heartbeat. I bury my face in Viserion's shoulder, listening to the soft drumming of his heart as the two of us soar above the jeweled landscape below.    

The Game of Temptation: The Rise of the Moon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن