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SUGGESTED SONG: unrequited love (& other cliches), Breakup Shoes. Riptide, Vance Joy.

Pomona Gaunt remained imprisoned. Voldemort's army remained disclosed and growing. Professors remained positioned as teachers at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The meant to be warm and sunny weather remained cold and stormy. Hogwarts remained barren of happiness after the massacre of London. 

Seventy-four muggles were murdered in London. Three days before students at Hogwarts returned back to Hogwarts. Eighteen of them being family members of muggle-born students of Hogwarts. Three of them being students of Hogwarts. 

Evangeline Montrose, fourth year, Hufflepuff. 

Simon Kentigan, second year, Ravenclaw. 

Leslie Farnworth, seventh year, Hufflepuff. 

The names were cherished and implanted into the Daily Prophet the following day. Teachers of Hogwarts gave small memorabilized words for the murdered students. 

The feast seemed uneven. Students were talking amongst themselves to one another, the teachers trying their best to be composed as the entire Great Hall ate dinner. Some students ate quietly, glancing at empty spots at tables, humming in response to any conversation. 

August had noticed upon the train how empty Hogwarts would seem this year. A large amount of students having not appeared that year, families in fear for worse, others making no trace to return because of their families connection with the Dark Lord. A deep void consumed all of Hogwarts. Grief, fear, sadness, panic. She could hardly feel any of the happiness that Hogwarts once held strong. 

Sirius sat beside her, telling her stories of the remaining holiday he had whilst she was away from the group. Trying his best to distract her running thoughts. He was glad to finally see her face again, the faint red tints never leaving his face, wrinkles around his eyes as his smile kept leaving a permanent mark. His heart seemed to keep jumping it's normal step as his eyes scanned her face as he talked. A laugh escaping her lips, a smile remaining, the many shades of blue in her eyes. 

He wanted to stare at her endlessly, he didn't want to move away from her, remain side by side next to her for many years. In silence, in volume, in peace, in chaos. He wanted it all. Just like he had for so long now, just for longer now. 


"Yes, repeat!" August said to her friends, "Final year, final common room sleep over!" She stood before the group of teens who were planted to their seats on the sofas and the common room floors. 

"August, we're getting old and tired-"

"You never sound like that when there's a party, Marley. You're always like 'Yes! I am alive and young, i'm not going to get any younger waiting around for something to happen!' We've done it before, we can do it again!" She gave the group a pleading expression, each of them weighing in options, "If no one agrees, I'm gonna hex you all until you all agr-"

"I'm in! No more loosing hair on this end!" Sirius said jumping to his feet and holding onto his girlfriend's waist. "You all know she'll do it! It isn't pretty! Save yourselves."

Groans and laughter followed his words, everyone laughing at the hasty expression and aura he presented. "We'll get the blankets." Lily said to the group whilst the boys agreed to get snacks, James offering his record player with some records. 

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