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August was silent for the first two days of her return back at Hogwarts, and the entire school knew why when a leaked image from the funeral was in the Daily Prophet on her first day back. Few students ignored her presence, some apologized for her loss, while most glared at her. They didn't whisper it rude comments either, they spoke it. Right in front of her face. 

They spat in her face, cursing to her. Adding to the weight of the stress and preasure on her shoulders. She pleaded herself at night and morning to not let anger get the best of herself, begging herself to not spit back and say the truth. Her brother was no Death Eater. 

But they'll find out one day. They'll find out that Kendra Nott died a hero. They'll discover that Nicholas Gaunt was as innocent as they were.

She laid on the floor of room three two-seven that evening after dinner. The Marauders were out attending their monthly adventure with the werewolf- although she didn't exactly know how they were aiding her friend. She lay awake staring at the dimly lit chandelier above her. Whispering to herself as she wished for it fall onto her face and destroy it.

She could hear the faint chatters from nocturnal ghosts. The short breathes from Pascal and Aspen who like always, slept together on the piano seat. She could almost feel the warm embrace of her brother and Kendra wrapping their arms around her... But she was still alone.

She laid there, staring endlessly. Begging for someone who knew what she felt to comfort her. To hold her. To be there. To be who she needed. But she was all alone. Even if she could've just returned back to her dorm and ask for one of the girls to listen, she wouldn't allow it. 

They had O.W.L's that year, and she knew that Lily was spending all day studying and preparing for the end of year exams. Alice was spending as much time as she could with Frank. And Marlene was running off with some of her other friends to Quidditch Practise or to the kitchens. She couldn't burden them with this weight.

Besides, she only managed that morning to hold a conversation with them instead of her now-usual Good Mornings or Good Night. And they were grateful, but as they watched her back retrieve after that conversation they all watched her in pity and sadness.

Peaking through the door and seeing her laying there and smiled sadly before slipping into the room. The girl could see his shaggy hair from his silhoette and sat up before taking a deep breath. 

Slowly he approached her and sat down beside her, the sad smile still remaining on his face before he embraced her. Holding her tightly and rubbing her back soothingly before feeling her body break. She bursted into thousands of tears, each of them slipping onto his dressing gown which was rather soft on her cheeks and nose. 

She held onto him tightly as she broke down in his arms, even if he was much younger and should be comforted by her, she just needed to be held. She cried into his arms for a long time, a time which should've been used for sleeping. "They were innocent- and no one knows... Except me-"

"We're all a bit innocent, aren't we?" He asked her into her shoulder before pulling her apart and wiping her tears.

"You shouldn't be doing this for me..." She whispered to him. "I shouldn't be crying to you... You don't need to see this." But instead of letting her slide away, he gently grabbed her cheeks and wiped her tears before reaching into his dressing gown's pocket.

"Breathe it all out." He said holding the packets of cigarettes. Although he was still under 16, Regulus found Cigarette's being a good way to let go of his problems. "Don't worry." He said standing up and rushing towards a window where he opened it, "No one will know except I." He said grabbing one out and holding it towards her. 

She stared at it a bit dumb-founded, she had never smoked, and growing up, never intended on it. But she grew up too fast didn't she? "How do I do it?" She asked him and he only smiled before sitting down quickly and folding his legs.

"Okay! Grab one, and place it on youw lihps wike dis!" He said placing a cigarette in between his lips and watching as she did it slowly and nervously, before he pulled his out quick again, "Now, when it's lit you inhale, but I don't think you should INhale it. Just try it out a few times." He said before placing it back in between his lips, grabbing the lighter August watched as he stared at the flame before moving it towards his cigarette with focus.

The flame from the cigarette was out, and she watched as it burnt whilst he inhaled before removing it from his lips and breathing out the smoke. "It's pretty yuck for the first time, but if you do it often, you get use to it."

"And you do this often?" The boy hummed in response before inaling more and watching her closely before feeling the lighter slip from his hand and watched as she quickly stared into the flame as she lit the cigarette. Moving it like he did, she tried to inhale it but soon began a coughing fit. 

"It's okay- it's okay!" He said trying to hold back his laugh as he gently hit her back, "Don't worry, happens to most people on their first try."

So, for the next few hours, the two stayed up late laughing at silly jokes and trying to teach August how to smoke. But, as the night became colder and the ghosts no longer chatted, the pair fell asleep sprawled across the floor with rather cheeky grins on their faces.

Sirius Black glanced at the map that night after helping their friend, with just curiosity to know that the girl was safe and sleeping he was startled to see that she was in room three two-seven with the younger Black brother. After all, two nights ago he comforted her when she returned. And last night she had the Marauders-

Then he clicked. She just needed someone around. He sighed quietly before smiling sadly as he realized that she no longer wanted to be alone. "You alright, mate?" James asked before watching Sirius fumble with the map. "Woah, what's wrong?"

"I- ugh, just thought I saw Filch." James did not believe him but knew very well to not ask about it. Specially after their night. "Hey, don't ya think we should begin subtly mentioning this to Augs? She really would know how to help."

"We can't make that decision. That should be left for Remus." 

Sirius frowned as he realize that his friend didn't snap suddenly saying that this stays between us! No, his mate was calm with it. "You feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Hey, do you think Sini would be alright with me dropping my homework in right now?"

Sirius stared at him in astonishment. His mate just finished their work given to them from last night? Yeah, something is wrong with him. "Ugh, just say you were up to read the stars tonight and decided to get it done."

"Yeah, it is a pretty clear night. Eh?" 

"Yeah. Real clear." 

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