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Pranks were becoming common between the three, every time the two boys thought they had the perfect opportunity in pranking August, she always got a head. Sending their prank to back fire and fall upon someone else. Or even themselves.

It was quite amusing to August. Seeing two boys try extremely hard to get back at the girl in their first week, however, August made sure to inform them she wouldn't want a single prank to happen within room three two-seven b. But it didn't mean that something couldn't help right at the door...

"Come on, we're eating!" Sirius groaned while glaring at August who sat between Remus and Peter.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She shrugged at the boy with a smirk on her lips.

"There's worms in my spaghetti!" August softly laughed as she saw James lean over and immediately, cheeks swell up while turning a ghastly white. 

"Have you never heard of that? Worm soup!" August laughed while banging her forehead on the table. Peter and Remus softly chuckling beside her. "Don't worry, I'm sure I can do the counter-spell. My transfiguration is rather well now."

Grabbing her wand, instead of pointing it towards his plate of moving spaghetti, she pointing her wand to his hair. "Mane Larva."

Immediately, all four houses silenced as they heard a loud high-pitched scream. A few of the teachers looked up startled and confused, while some were worried. Each teachers eyes followed other students and fell upon a hysteric laughing and a boy almost in tears as he threw his once hair to the ground.

"Mr. Potter, take Mr. Black to the Hospital. Miss Gaunt, my office." 

Upon entering, she was shocked to see the man casually walking around the office. "Miss Gaunt, it's come to my attention as well as your head's attention, that their is a current feud between you, Mr. Black and Mr. Potter."

"Yes, sir. There indeed is."

The man stayed silent as he looked out the window that overlooked the courtyard as he let his thoughts take place. "You three remind me of myself and my friends." He chuckled, August looked up at him confused.

"So I'm not getting a detention?"

"Of course you are. What else do you think I asked for you to come to my office, expel you?" 

"Well, I'd rather be killed than expelled." August chuckled before scratching her neck. 

"But I must compliment you, Miss Gaunt. The spell's you've been doing a becoming very strong... In fact, I've never seen the one you did today ever done."

"That's because it's not one everyone know's, sir. You see, in my spare time I tend to do things most other's don't know of. I create my own spells, charms, hexes, jinxes, curses and many enchantments. I've created many things that help myself and others, all with care and safety."

"But to do this magic means you have to use your wand... which you only can in Hogwarts."

"Yes, indeed." August said before looking around the room, admiring the architecture, "I have found a fair amount of secrets within these walls, Professor. Some things only the paintings and ghosts know of."

"Do tell."

"Tunnels." August said softly, "I've found almost every single tunnel in the castle except for the ones the bloody baron won't tell me about. It's certainly scary in the tunnels in the middle of the night and with the ghosts running around, but it's a thrill to explore the castle."

"These tunnels... How long have they been made for?"

"Well, Sir Nicholas said that the oldest one he remembers is seven hundred years old. That's the one from the a secluded corner of the library to the Prefect's bathroom. The tunnels help me a ton with my classes, and I just have a feeling that they'll help those who need it most in the future."

"I'm sure they will. Before I dismiss you however, I must ask you to begin to take care with your magic. And consult myself or Professor McGonagall before creating a new spell."

Quietly, August nodded before stepping out of the office. Instead of making her way towards the common room or room three two-seven b, but to the hospital ward. She took the quickest tunnel and soon found her self right at the door, gently pushing it open. She saw Professor McGonagall and the other three Marauders trying to keep the boy calm, while Madam Pomfrey tried to come up with a remedy for the boy.

Walking closer, Sirius snapped his eyes and saw the girl sheepishly walking forwards. Immediately, he bolted to his feet and shoved James a little. Anger written in his face, "You! You did this!"

"Mane Returnio!" His hair immediately grew long, and was at it's natural length. Instead, it was shiny and healthy. No longer a little fried. "There! All better!"

"We are not all better!" He said quickly as he marched forward, trying to hide the gratefulness he hid within. "You made my gorgeous locks turn into worms!"

"You dyed my hair red!" She squealed at the boy, "I think we're even!"

"We are not even!"

"But your hair is back! Healthier than ever!" 

"That doesn't matter! What does is this!" He said walking forwards, before tickling her hips. The girl quickly tried to stop him from tickling her even more but her laughter was getting the best of her. 

Professor McGonagall informed Madam Pomfrey that was everything and the pair of aging women watched as the four Marauders and August walked out with grins. "I say we set this thing to an end... but have a good prank to end it off with. The cherry on top!"

"Which is?"

"Dungbomb's in the Slytherin Common Room."

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