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"Yes, professor." August said nodding slowly and somewhat nervously to Headmaster Dumbledore as she sat in the chair facing his desk. She had agreed that she would inform the man as soon as possible if something happened, and she was going to do that, even if her mother mentioned the slightest of information about her uncle.

"I assume you're all packed for the Christmas Break?" He asked her softly and August couldn't help but swallow, even if her mouth and throat were dry. 

"Yes. I packed everything last night."

The man only hummed in response before meeting her eyes, which she was avoiding to do during their small meeting, "That will be all, Miss Gaunt." He said before standing up and smiling at her, "I do hope that everything goes well, this Christmas. I have a feeling you'll need it."

"Thank you, Professor. Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas to you too, August."

Lily and Marlene had decided that they were going to be staying at home for Christmas, whilst Alice would be spending Christmas with the Longbottom's, and the four Marauders would be spending their Christmas at James'. Just like they practically did every year.

Each person in the compartment could see just how nervous and scared August was. She wore a deep frown and hadn't spoke a single word since the night before. She was dreading to enter that house, and not because she knew that her mother would mention the Death Eater's or possibly have some for dinner, it was because she knew she'd have to walk past Nicholas' old bedroom. The room where he grew up.

That was what she dreaded most. She dreaded the fact that she knew she'd never get to see him walk through the front door, with a beaming grin as he laughed with Kendra beside him. She couldn't bare the idea of having to walk into most rooms and be reminded of the positive and negative memories that the pair shared. 

She was going to mourn the loss of her brother and mourn over the bond she and her mother shared at the moment. A war. August was on the Order's side whilst her mother was on team Death Eater.

She wondered as the train left Hogsmeade station, what it felt like to having a loving mum, a dad that was alive, and a brother who just wanted peace in the world. She wondered what life would've felt being a muggle, without a clue that the person next to her could be a witch or wizard. 

She could tell that the Marauders, Alice and Frank knew that she was upset by leaving Hogwarts and having to return to Gaunt Manor, they all seem to pity her as well. Occasionally Peter or James would try and involve her into the conversation, but she just hummed and remained staring out the window. 

Alice and Frank left the compartment with well over halfway to go, Sirius claimed that they were gonna go to town, Remus didn't exactly understand, but by the pairs face blushing bright red, he got the hint and groaned. 

Halfway through, Peter said he was going to find Mary, whilst James and Remus said that they were going to find the trolley lady and bring back some sweets for the group. So, the remaining pair was Sirius and a silent August.

Sirius waited patiently for her to say something or even look at her, but she didn't budge. He slowly played the drums on his leg awkwardly before sighing and looking at the blonde, "How is he? Reggie- How is Regulus?"

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