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It felt odd for the boy who woke up early that morning, not only was he not in his dorm, but he was also sleeping next to August Hestia Gaunt.  His heart seemed to pace more and more as he heard her gentle snores, her quiet breath's, feeling her chest rise slowly against his body was something he desired as the year grew on. 

He laid there for few minutes, watching the sun rays rise through the room as day begun. He knew August would want to rush off to the dorms and wash up, so he gently shook her, making sure to not be a shock for her as he did so. 

She only mumbled beneath her breath before rolling over and rubbing her eyes, "Augs," the voice seem to make August stop in her track, which Sirius noticed, what he did not see was the pink shade that appeared on her ears and on her cheeks, "It's five, we might want to go back to the dorms."

"Good morning to you too, Siri." She said gently trying to cool herself down with a little bit of banter. 

"Oh, yeah, good morning." He said sheepishly before rising to sit up, August doing the same before turning and hanging off the couch whilst he sat there and stretched. 

"Well, shall we?" 

Rushing into the dormitory, August found all the girls awake and eyes-widening in shock and curiosity as to why she seemed so up-tight and flustered when she leant against the door. "Well?" Lily asked the friend who had disappeared since dinner the night before.

"I slept with Sirius Black."

"What." All of their voices projected at the girl in sync. Surprise and shock laced within their voice and expressions.

"Not like that!" She quickly said before walking forward, "We slept together. Nothing sexual. Just sleeping. Like normal sleeping."

"How did you feel? How do you feel?" Marlene was quick to ask her as she stepped forward at the girl. 

"It was comforting. He's been there with me through everything recently, he's basically grown up with me except for when we were ten. He changed a lot then." She said slightly in awe of their moment they shared, "He's been an amazing best friend, I felt safe, I felt warm, and I definitely felt at ease with him beside me..." She took a deep breath before smiling, "Waking up this morning was definitely something. His voice was just so subtle and quiet, not loud or confident, just soothing, like a gentle lullaby. But I feel incredible. I know he feels the exact same as well."

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