38. Pathetic little girl

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Ella's Pov:

" Now where to first"

Bella says finally stopping in the hallway still holding my hand, looking back at me. I say nothing just shrug causing her to sigh dramatically.

" Inside or outside?"

She questions once more.

" Inside, then we can go outside"

I say quickly causing her to smile, before pulling me along behind her, all around the upstairs area of the home looking in each room and seeing the different spaces within this beautiful home, upstairs has four bedrooms each much the same as mine and Daddy's just a simple giant bed in front of a wall of windows facing the never-ending woods on the outside, also three bathrooms including the master ensuite, as well as a seating area that simply has a big l-shaped couch and a tv in the room, but the room is also now covered in toys, coloring in and different stuffies, some I remember from home with Daddy others I don't recognize but Bella seems to making me think her Daddy packed toys for her as well. We stay in this area of the house for a little bit having a tea party with Daisy and Leo and two of Bella's stuffies, just as we are halfway through the tea party Tony walks down the hallway greeting us.

" Good morning m'lady"

He says formally bowing in front of us causing us to giggle loudly before, flopping on the couch and watching us as we finish our tea party. We finish the tea party and decide to set up our very own little village in the seating room combing all of our Sylvanian family sets. It takes us a while and Tony starts watching a movie on the tv which we didn't pay much attention to but finally, we had our own little village it had a home for the family of course, and a few different kinds of shops for the townspeople to explore.

" Okay now we have our little village I say time to see downstairs"

Bella says standing up. I say nothing just nod my head yes and stand up with her not forgetting to take Daisy and Leo with me.

" But come on the movie is nearly over can't you just wait"

Tony whines dramatically. Me and Bella both burst out in giggles shaking our heads no causing him to roll his eyes at us.

" But it's like twenty minutes come on"

Tony whines more only causing us to laugh more, Bella looks at me and then back at Tony before whispering in my ear to run. Bella takes off running and I take off after her both of us giggling our heads off as we hear Tony complaining and whining still about his movie and the fact he has to chase after us. We shortly reach the stairs which both me and Bella sprint down but me being me, on the last step, I trip thinking the step down is closer than it actually was like someone put an extra step under me causing me to nearly fall flat on my face, but familiar arms quickly catch me, stopping my fall causing me to smile and look up at Daddy happily.

" Little one no running inside you could've fallen down and gotten hurt besides where is Tony"

Daddy says helping me stand up only causing me and Bella to giggle, once we see an unimpressed Tony rolling his eyes and stomping down the stairs dramatically.

" You know watching them means actually being near them"

Daddy says unimpressed, causing Tony to roll his eyes.

" I was near them they were upstairs in the seating area playing for ages so I decided to watch a movie while they played, but just as the movie was getting to the ending someone decided they were bored and they are mean and wouldn't let me finish the movie"

Tony whines causing Daddy to chuckle.

" Tony are you sure you're not the little here"

Daddy teases causing Tony to glare at him.

" No what are you talking about"

He says quickly causing me and Bella to laugh.

" I don't know man you're doing an awful lot of whining and not a lot of supervising"

Daddy teases causing me and Bella to laugh even more.

" oooh if you whine too much you will get a punishment little baby"

Bella teases causing me to giggle.

" Shut up"

Tony says quickly.
" Have fun princess I've got to get back to work I will come to see you soon I promise"

He says causing me to pout, he leans down and kisses my lips gently before I watch Daddy walk back into a room with a big round table surrounded by people before he closes the door behind him, causing me to look back to Bella.

" New idea"

Bella says pulling me out of my thoughts. I say nothing just nod for her to continue.

" Outside?"

She questions. I say nothing just smile and nod my head yes. She takes my hand in hers once again dragging me to the backdoor this time with Tony following close behind as we go outside onto the patio, we see some toys on the patio and I spot a pink spikey ball which I quickly run over to pick it up and looking back at Bella.

" I like the way you think"

Bella says causing me to giggle as Tony sits down on the outside table.

" Okay don't roam beyond the fence I'm here if you need anything"

Tony says simply, Bella runs out to the yard but I walk over to Tony handing him Daisy and Leo which he assures me he will keep safe, before running with the ball in my arms into the long wavey grass with Bella. We decide to just play catch and throw the ball to one another, which was fun at first until I realized I am a terrible catcher but either way I was still enjoying our time outside.

" Okay ready try and catch it this time"

Bella teases, holding the ball up in the airlifting her arm up, and pulling it back. I look behind me to see I've nearly reached the fence that separates the yard and the woods before looking back at Bella who is only a few meters in front of me and nod my head yes. She throws the ball and it goes flying in the air before smacking into the fence and hitting the ground beside it thank god not going over it, and being lost forever. I try and catch it but just like any other time I failed, I walk over to the fence until I'm right in front of it and I hear a twig snap in the woods I think nothing of it thinking it might have just been an animal or something and lean down to pick up the ball, but when I stand up I hear the noise again but this time closer causing me to panic. I go to turn around but someone grips my arms tightly and pulls me back against their chest so I can't turn and see their face.

" Scream and you will only make it worse"

The familiar deep voice says causing tears to start running down my face.

" You think you could get away from me so easily coming to your safe house"

He scoffs.

" Please"
I beg through my tears but he tightens his grip on me further.

" Pathetic little girl, my work isn't done just yet but at least now I know where to find you"

He says whispering the last part in my ear causing tears to stream down my face practically sobbing now, after a few moments I feel him let go of me and Bella appears in front of me with a worried look on her face, by this point, I'm full on sobbing rubbing my arm where he was holding me where there is a bruise already forming.

" Ella, are you okay?"
Bella asked scared. I try and tell her what had happened but all that comes out is sobs and cries as I fall down on the grass and bring my knees up to my chest putting my face down and crying harder. I thought coming here would get us away from whoever this is, but looks like they found us anyway.

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