5. Nice To Meet You, Leo

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Ella's Pov

" You're too pretty to cry little one"

A deep voice says, across from me pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up but my vision is blurry with tears still flowing from my eyes whoever this is probably thinks I'm crazy, sitting in a booth by myself holding a stuffed lion and crying my eyes out. I take a few deep breaths which just come out as sniffles trying to regain control of my emotions, when I can finally see through my tears I study the very attractive man sitting across from me looking worried. He's quite tall even sitting down he towers over me but being five foot three myself towering over me really isn't hard, he has dark brown hair messily sitting on top of his head and swept to the side with the sides of his hair shorter than the top, beautiful olive skin that anyone would die for and piercing green eyes that instantly draw me in, almost not noticing the tight fit of his button-down shirt looking like he's going to break it open with one wrong move, his sleeves are rolled up exposing his tattooed covered forearms.

" Are you okay little one?"
He says gently pulling me out of my thoughts causing me to blush at the pet name. I say nothing not trusting my voice and just nod my head yes.

" I don't believe that for a second"

He says simply, causing me to sigh.

" You know if you tell me what's wrong it might make you feel better or I can even help you"

He says encouragingly.

" Why would you help me I don't even know you?"

I question which comes out as a stuttering mess through more tears.

" My name is Xavier and I am the owner of this place"

He says gesturing towards the club, I take another deep breath trying to calm myself.

" This is the part where you say your name little one"

He smiles causing me to blush. I finally calm myself down enough to stop crying and breathe normally again.

" Ella"
I say quietly.

"That's a very pretty name you know"

He says smiling, causing me to smile back and blush once more, okay this guy definitely thinks I'm crazy I was just a blubbering mess and now I'm smiling like an idiot.

" Now what's got you so upset cutie"

He says, causing me to blush more my cheeks now red as a tomato.

" I came here with my friends and I can't find them anymore, I don't come out very often because I don't like being in crowds of people and they pinky promised they wouldn't leave me and they did"

I say starting to cry once again, I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Xavier now beside me. I was such a mess I didn't even realize he had moved, all I could think about is that I needed some form of comfort so I wrapped my arms around his waist and cuddled into him crying into his shirt, I was waiting to get pushed away but it never happened instead I felt his arm slide around me and start to rub small circles on my back, before humming some song I didn't recognize in my ear. We stay like this for a few moments before I pull away feeling a sense of calm and comfort that I've never felt before.

" You know you can hang out with me if you would like little one or I can help you find your friends?"

He questions, I sit there for a moment thinking it over, I mean my friends did leave me after pinky promising not to, and I know Ollie is off with his new boy toy and Skyler is more than likely making out with some random, and it's what they always do when we go out hence why I never go, but Xavier even though I only just met him he makes me feel calm and comfort for some reason, and he seems to want to spend time with me so why not take a page out of my best friends book and make some new friends.

" Okay, but what would we do?"

I question looking up at him still sitting close together but not cuddled up any longer.

" Anything you want to do cutie we can get a drink, dance, walk around, or if you want something quieter and with fewer people, I can always take you to my office and we can talk or watch something on TV until your friends are ready to leave, I'm sure they will come to find you when they're ready"

He states, which makes sense I mean my two best friends in this whole world would not just leave and forget about me right?

" Uhm if it's okay can we just go to your office I hate how loud it is and how many people they're are"

I say quickly.

" Of course cutie"

He says causing me to blush, I slide out of the booth waiting for him to do the same quickly stuffing Leo back into my purse too embarrassed to have him out before I look back to see he's standing beside me looking down at me holding out his hand for me to take, I look up at him then back down to his hand unsure.

" I just don't want you getting lost and upset again little one"

He says, causing me to smile and blush before taking his hand. He leads the way weaving through the crowd and within seconds we walk down a hallway he's unlocking a door, and he leads me in turning on the light before letting go of my hand causing me to pout missing his warmth as he closes the door behind us, blocking out all the noise causing me to sigh smiling finally I won't have to yell for someone to hear me. I walk into the middle of the room looking around it's the size of any normal bedroom just a little longer with black walls and floors a black desk with an office chair and a computer with two seats in front of it, at one end of the room and a big L shaped black leather couch with a wall mounted flat screen on the other side of the room. Xavier walks over again taking my hand causing me to smile before leading me over to the couch and sitting me down before sitting down across from me on the L bend of the couch still not letting go of my hand.

" Can I ask you something?"

He says, I say nothing just nod my head yes.

" Who is that in there"

He says pointing to my purse causing my heart to sink he's going to hate me and ask me to leave once I show him, I mean what adult carries around a little stuffed lion?

" Hey it's okay I won't judge or laugh"

He says reassuringly, I say nothing just holding up my pinky causing him to smile and wrap his much larger pinky around mine. I say nothing just unzip my purse and take out Leo cuddling him to my chest before looking over to Xavier and waiting for the reaction, every guy has had the same in the past which is calling me a child, a freak, or a weirdo and leaving, I mean me liking childish things such as cartoons and toys and occasionally catching myself sucking my thumb doesn't help either.

" What's his name"

He smiles and I swear I could've fallen off the chair right then and there, he actually wanted to know instead of just assuming, or bullying me.

" His name is Leo the Lion"

I say smiling causing him to smile, and reach his hand out gently taking one of his paws and shaking it causing me to giggle.

" Nice to meet you, Leo"

Xavier says causing me to giggle more, you know maybe this meeting new people thing isn't so bad I mean Xavier seems really nice and like he actually cares and that's hard to find nowadays in a friend or anyone for that matter.

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