26. The Dress

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Ella's Pov:

" Sup hoe"

Skyler says. Getting into the back of the car beside me before closing the door behind her so Tony can start driving again.

" Rude"

I say causing her to laugh.

" Whose this"

Skyler says gesturing to Tony.

" Xavier didn't want me going out alone in case something happened, so he asked Tony to stay with us today"

I say quickly.

" As I told Ella you won't even notice I'm there"

Tony chimes in smiling at us in the review mirror, as he parks the car in the parking lot of the mall. We both get out of the car and Skyler links her arm with mine before dragging me into the mall with her, and Tony follows behind but stays a few meters back giving us our space.

" So are you going to tell me what your master plan is?"

I question looking over to Skyler as we walk around the mall.

" Well, you said he hasn't really been paying much attention to you, let alone take any notice because he's been working so much right?"

She says. I say nothing just nod my head for her to continue, as we walk into a fancy clothing store with racks and racks of expensive-looking dresses.

" So it's simple logic El you need to show him what he's missing out on, meaning we need to make you the hottest bitch at this ball thing tonight"

She shrugs as she unlinks our arms and goes over to the racks looking through the dresses.

" I don't know Skye one these dresses look super expensive, and two he told me not to wear anything provocative"

I say honestly.

" And how is listening to every word he says going for you?"

She says rolling her eyes.

" I don't know last time I didn't listen to him"

I say but quickly stop blushing bright red at the memory.

" What happened?"

She questions wiggling her eyebrows. As she takes a few dresses off the rack and hangs them off her arm.

" Nothing"

I say quickly still blushing looking down at my feet, causing her to laugh, she goes to say something else but a woman wearing a blazer a white button-down a black pencil skirt, with heels, walks over to us with a disgusted look on her face.

" I'm sorry girls this store, might be out of your price range"

She says looking between us both and looking us up and down.

" Says who, we would like to try these on"

Skyler scoffs, gesturing to the pile of dresses in her arms.

" We only let people try things on if they are planning to buy, and I don't think you can afford what we sell"

She says in an uptight voice making me angry. I'm about to say something but Tony quickly walks over and stands between me and the rude woman and turns around looking down at me.

" Everything okay?"

He questions.

" Miss Uptight here won't let her try on any dresses because apparently, it would be out of our price range"

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