25. Plan

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* Two Week Time Skip*

Ella's Pov:

It's been two weeks now since the park incident, I did get punished but I just had to write one hundred lines which I mean wasn't great but it could've been a lot worse. Xavier had to go back to work so he hasn't been around much, he comes home super late at night when I'm already asleep, and his bed which I now sleep in as well is always empty when I wake up , I do get a text message from him every morning letting me know that he has left for work so at least that's something right. It's just making my mind in more of a whirlwind then it already is around him , now just  I feel like a lost puppy that just wants to follow him everywhere and get his attention somehow. He hasn't even touched me let alone kiss me or hug me this last week and whats even worse is ever since he went all dominate on me and spanked me in front of everyone or when he stalked me until I was up against a wall at his mercy, I have had some let's say R-rated thoughts about Xavier.

" Hello, earth to Ella are you still there?"

I hear Skyler's question on the other end of the phone pulling me out of my thoughts. Me, Skyler, Ollie have been talking on the phone nearly every day so I don't lose my mind in boredom around this house waiting for Xavier to return.

" Yes I'm still here"

I sigh dramatically throwing myself back on the couch so I'm now laying down.

" Daydreaming about Mr sexy again"

She teases wiggling her eyebrows at me causing me to blush bright red.

" No"

I say quickly only causing both her and Ollie to burst out laughing on the other end of the phone.

" I hate you both"

I say fake hurt only causing them to laugh even more.

" You love us "

Ollie teases.

" Yeah but you love Mr sexy more"

Skyler says making them both laugh once more causing me to roll my eyes at the two. My attention is suddenly pulled away when a random guy, I don't think I've seen before in a fancy black suit is standing over the couch looking down at me.

" Can I help you?"

I say sitting up getting a bit self-conscious of the baggy shirt and short shorts I'm wearing quickly grabbing one of the blankets on the couch and covering myself.

" Sorry if I'm scaring you, my name is Tony I work for Xavier anyway boss wanted me to tell you there's a ball tonight and you're coming but he won't be home until it's time to leave so he wants you to be ready by 7:30 pm"

He says quickly, I say nothing just nod my head yes. He goes to walk away but stops turning around standing back in front of me holding out his hand that has a black credit card in it.

" Oh sorry nearly forgot he said to take this and buy yourself a dress for tonight with it and for me to remind you not to worry about the price all he wants is for you to feel pretty"

He says rolling his eyes at the last part causing me to giggle.

" Thank you, uhm how will I get to the shops though I don't even know where he keeps the cars in this place"

I say honestly, yes I have been here for nearly three or four weeks I can't exactly remember but it took me one whole day of walking around just to discover one half of the house, which had a lot of empty bedrooms about three or four bathrooms a home theater and a gaming room as well as another office but then I was simply too lazy to spend another whole day walking around to discover the rest including the garage if he even had one, I don't even know because even the day he took me out to the park with Bella there was a car waiting for us when we walked out the door.

" Oh you won't be going alone that's why I'm here, I will be driving you to where ever you want to go as well as following you, but you will barely notice I'm there"

He shrugs.

" Quick ask if we can come"

Skyler yells through the phone making me jump forgetting they are still on FaceTime with me.

" Can my friends come?"

I question.

" Names"

He says quickly.

" Xavier knows them it will just be Skyler and Ollie"

I say honestly, but Ollie quickly says through the phone he can't come he has to go to stupid work.

" Actually just Skyler, Ollie has to work"

I say quickly.

" It should be fine I remember the boss saying she's one of your best friends, but I will call to make sure, once you're ready just come to the front door I will be waiting for you"

He says quickly before walking away.

" Well?"

Skyler questions.

" He said he just has to call Xavier to make sure so he doesn't get in trouble, but that it should be fine because he remembers Xavier telling him you're my best friend"

I say getting up off the couch and walking upstairs to Xaivers or really mine and Xavier's room now.

" Good because I have an idea of how to solve your little issue"

She says causing me to roll my eyes.

" What issue and what are you planning?"

I question knowing her ideas never end well for me.

" The issue of you wanting Mr sexy's attention and I will tell you when you pick me up"

She says, hanging up the phone leaving no room for questions. I sigh throwing the phone onto my bed before walking into the closet and choosing out a simple pair of light blue ripped skinny jeans and a baby pink crop top that says strawberry milk on it with a little carton of milk with a picture of a strawberry on the carton, and my pair of white slip on vans. I quickly get dressed before walking into the bathroom throwing my hair into a high ponytail, and putting on some deodorant and perfume before putting on some mascara and lip gloss before walking back into the bedroom, picking my phone up off the bed and quickly texting Xavier thanking him for offering to pay for a new outfit, he replies within seconds telling me no worries anything for my little cutie just make sure you don't wear anything too provocative. Just before I left the room jogging down the stairs where Tony is waiting for me at the front door like he said he would be.

" So?"

I question standing in front of him.

" Skyler can come we will pick her up on our way"

He says quickly opening the front door for me where the same black SUV that Xavier used to take me to the park was sitting, he walked over and opened the back door for me and I drew a sigh of relief that there was no seat this time before jumping in as Tony jogs around the car getting into the driver's side, I tell him my old address and we're off to pick up Skyler. I was happy there was no seat as lately, I haven't really been in my headspace the last three days but it's not uncommon for me. I'm not in my headspace all day every day, maybe that's why Xavier isn't paying attention to me maybe he only liked me for being a little and nothing else, but on the other hand, if that was true then why sleep in the same bed as me every night and cuddle me. I lean back in my seat getting a headache from all this overthinking, I just hope Skyler has a good plan on how to get Xavier's attention.

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