I keep the gun pointed to him.

Blackman returns back without Shoota.

I take my knife from my waist and kneel down by him.

"Who sen yuh ?" I ask looking at him.

"Suck yuh mada !" 

I pull one of his ear and as I'm about to slice it I'm distracted.

"Zaidan no !"

"Bomboclaat man !" I shout frustratedly then stand to my feet.

"Listen to yuh gyal !" he shouts on the floor.

I take my keys from my pocket and throw it to Blackman.

"Bring har home now" I tell him.

I have to kill him but I feel like I can't do it with her here.

Leah's POV

1:15 am

I got home and showered up after what happened earlier.

There's like 4 men outside watching over the house but I'm still scared for my life.

I don't even have a phone because they took it so I can't even call my mom.

Zaidan still isn't here and I have no idea if he's even okay.

I can't believe this real....

Did I really got kidnapped ?
Did I just witnessed Zaidan kill somebody ?

Oh my god.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when the bedroom door opens and I jump frightened.

Zaidan enters the room and look at me. His eyes look dark.

I run over to him and hug him.

"Zaidan I don't think we're safe" I tell him shaking.

We release from the hug and he looks at me then hold my face in his hands.

"Look at me Aaliyah...."

"Trust mi when mi seh nothing cya reach yuh" he adds sternly.

"Someone broke into your villa then I got kidnapped , what is happening ?" I ask  panicking.

His phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket then look at it.

He slides his finger cross it to answer then put it up to his ears with his eyes fixed on me.

His brows now knitted and I watch him as he turns on his heel then walk out of the room.

Minutes pass and he doesn't return so I decided to leave the room.

As I'm walking downstairs I don't see him in the living room so I decide to check if he went outside.

As I open the door I see him and about six police out there.

My heart skips a beat.

I put on my slides by the door and make my way out there.

I walk up behind him.

"Step back for me please ma'am" the police officer says to me.

I step back and look at Zaidan in shock.

"Aaliyah everything is going to be okay...go back into the house" he tells me.

"Your under arrest on suspicion of murder" the officer says before putting the uncuff on his hand.

His eyes meet mines and I blink to hold in my tears.

Nate pulls me back by my hand.

I watch as they take him into the car then close the door.

Once they drive off I start crying.

Nate walks over to me and hands me my phone in my hand.

I take it from him then make my way inside the house.

As I get inside I get up to the bedroom and lay on the bed then allow my tears to flow.

What should I do now ?

Shaking , I dial my moms number and it rings out.

I dial her again and again until she finally picks up.

"Yes" she answers sleepy.

"Zaidan got arrested"

"What ! where are you now ?" she asks sounding shocked.

"I'm at the house...they just arrested him"

"I don't want to stay here tonight"

I don't even want to tell her a I got kidnapped because she's going to freak out.

"Oh lord , pack some clothes and come over here" she tells me then sigh frustratedly.

"What happened ?" she adds.

"I'll tell you when I come"

I hang up then get a little bag and pack as much clothes that can hold in it.

I leave the house and close the door with the key.

"I'm going over to my moms house" I tell Nate that refuses to let me leave.

I feel like I'm about to faint.

Too much is happening right now.

Authors note: Can you guys scroll up on the chapters you haven't voted on as yet and please vote 😩

That's all I'm asking for you guys to do and it takes 2 seconds. The more you guys vote the longer the chapters....

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