-----DARK MEMORIES [ PART. II ]-----

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The first one of them with sunflower blonde hairs said,"Despair is my name."

the second one with platinum colored hairs said,"You should call me Cozen."

and the last one with silver hairs said,"My precious name is Rile."

All ten of them had scarlet red eyes.They told Leviathan that they would be succuoring and giving their services for him,and help him find those ten human beings,and if there weren't any then they'll make one.



Few weeks had elapsed and Leviathan discovered that his sister was alive and well,and was currently in Damsholte. The news spread fast and reached into Ours Truly's acknowledgement.He sent the soldiers to arrest her in Damsholte. He had ordered 'Kill at first sight'.

The soldiers reached the village but before they could find Edgar and Lisa ,they had fled to Germany and were staying in a hotel,concealing their true Identity and appearance but it was not long until their true self was revealed.

Ours Truly sent a request letter to the President of Germany.The letter said;

                         ,"Most Dignified President,Nathaniel Twain,

I want to state that a traitor who is a soldier belonging to Denmark has absconded into your country.She was ordered to be killed and currently she is staying in the Gianzen hotel near Strasbourg accompanied by a name Edgar Vincent.I respectfully request you to arrest them and hand them in the authority of Denmark .We would be very obliged for receiving a positive response


The Danish Folketing"

At that time Heim Richter was the General of the Army and Jason Aldrich was the Major General.Nathaniel discussed this matter with Richter and Aldrich as they were the very ones on whom Twain trusted completely.

,"Richter and Aldrich I'm giving you the responsibility of bringing those two to me unharmed.We can't simply handover someone who takes refuge in our country.First I'll investigate them on my own accord and then decide whether they should be handed over or not." The President said.



Lisa and Edgar were sitting at a table

,"Edgar,foe how much more long we'll stay like this?"  Lisa interrogated Edgar,"Some day our real Identity would be revealed."

,"You're right but till that day we have to stay hidden" replied Edgar.

There was an uncomfortable silence maintained then as Lisa was willing to put a question to Edgar.After a couple of minutes she spoke with a blank expression on her face

,"Edgar,I want to ask you something."

,"I'm listening" Edgar responded to her.

,"....Why did you saved me risking your own life?"

Edgar went a little puzzled on a sudden inspect and after a short while he looked straight at her and said

,"The thing is......that we were comrades and companions as well,We've been raised together.I'm loyal to you as a soldier and as a person who cares for the right.What good would it have given me if I had mingled with those brutales ,with those deceivers.It was better to die then being accompanied by wrong-doers and the other thing is........" He hesitated a little before saying the full statement but then when Lisa looked at him with doubtful eyes he added, "............Mr Leviathan told me to save you and helped me in absconding."

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