7 | ᴄᴀᴠᴇᴅ ɪɴ, ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2

Start from the beginning

He was going to that mine.




Everything was dark again. It was hard to move, and he could tell that something was wrong. No, everything was wrong. His home... it was all gone now. He had nowhere. What happened? Why? He could not process what was going on aside from the pain in his helm, and an internal message that kept repeating.

{Partial Bonds Acquired: All-Spark Type, Anti-Spark Type.}
{Compatibility Detected. Genesis Spark Is Reacting...}
{Genesis Spark Has Strengthened. Abilities Have Been Unlocked.}

What does that mean...? He wondered. He could feel something in him reaching toward something. And that something responded, creating a path between them. It was the same thing that happened with the big blue mech he liked. For some reason, he wondered where he was now. He wanted to see him.

He was scared.

He moved the rocks on him away with difficulty, his lights were flickering in and out, a sign that his body was not in a normal state. That reaction scared him, too. It had never happened before. A lot of things were happening that never happened before. He didn't feel safe anymore. Moving was exhausting, and he wanted the pain to go away.

Make it go away... He thought, collapsing near an opening in the wall, weeping at his pain and confusion. He didn't care for the gasp he heard when he did. Did he even hear it? He wasn't sure. Everything was in and out, and he instinctively reached for those two connections he'd felt.


He was scared. He wanted whatever was happening to stop. He wanted to go back to how things were when he was alone. At least then, he was safe.

"Little One," A raspy, soft voice interrupted his fear. That connection he felt was reaching back for him. Languidly, he grasped onto it. He heard the mech gasp in surprise, but he was too dazed to care.

Unlike when he'd done so with the blue mech, this connection was dark like the void he knew before. But it was not lonely, and it was just as warm for him. It was just as safe for him. He could tell.

He could still feel his strange connection with the blue mech, even here. He could feel that they wanted to come to him. He could tell they were trying to. Somehow, they were able to send him a bit of comfort through their connection. How did they do that?

Neo was too out of it to properly try to answer that. All he knew was that bit of safety he felt made his tears stop, and dim blue optics found the fierce red ones doing the very same thing.

"Little One, can you hear me?" The mech called again. There was a tug on the connection with that call. Probing, worried. It must have been because he did not answer the first call. Wait, was there a second call after that? Neo wasn't sure, he was so low on energy and hurting.

If he was fully cognitive, he would have shied away from the attention, but right now? He craved the comfort of one of the two connections he'd made. So, he answered as best he could through that connection this time with a soft, fleeting tug.

He could see how the mech relaxed a bit at the small response from him. When he actually got the energy to turn in his complete direction, Neo couldn't understand why the gray mech was stuck in the wall.

"Eh...?" How'd he get there?

"Hm..." Megatron was not willing to answer that a small femme got the best of him and used his own blaster to bring a cave ceiling down on him. No. Never. So, he did not answer that question at all.

The Neo Spark [Transformer's Prime X Neo (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now