"There!" Spider shouted.
I looked to where he pointed seeing the children splashing in a small stream. I jumped down and let him go.

"Alright let's see. Head count!" I called all children ran over and lined up.

"Alright. My strong boy. My shining girl. My trouble maker. And my part time son." I counted to them all as Tsu'tey and Arvok walked over.

"Why always so many names?" Arvok asked as he plucked Lo'ak from the ground tossing the giggling boy over his shoulder.

"Because I can stingbat." I smiled.
"Alright. So we have a few options. We can practice somethings, play some games, tell some stories or sleep." I smiled to them all. The children groaned at the last option.

"What? I love sleeping!" I scoffed at them.

"We want to play!" Kiri giggled.

"No! Nap time!" I shouted charging for them all. They ran squealing and giggling. I grabbed Kiri first holding the girl by a leg I walked over to Tsu'tey. "Hold this for me?"

He rolled his eyes taking her by the foot.
"Let me down! You can't hold kids by their legs!" She giggled.

"No? How about this way?" Tsu'tey asked as he tucked her under his arm at her waist.

"No!" She laughed more.

I ran for the little boys. Lo'ak was my next target.

"Duck!" Spider shouted.

"There are no ducks on pandora!" I called as he and Netayum charged me aiding in Lo'aks escape.

"No! Arvok help!" I called.
He looked at me then the kids and ran over to help.

"Ha ha! Back up!" I cheered as he helped me stand.

"Go get Kiri! Hurry!" Arvok ordered bear hugging me effectively trapping me as the boys ran to Tsu'tey who was slowly losing his grip on the only girl here.

"Traitor! We were supposed to work together! Tsu'tey, watch out!" I called as Netayum launched himself at his uncles ankles and Spider worked on removing his hands. Lo'ak ran over taking Kiri by the hands pulling her to safety.

"Aaah! Get back here!" Tsu'tey shouted as he tried to chase the younger two. The moment they climbed into a tree Arvok shoved me into the water and joined them.

"Get off of him!" I ordered plucking Spider up and reaching for Netayum. But Spider started to wriggle and tickle me, making me lose balance as he and Netayum knocked Tsu'tey into the water and ran for the tree of safety.

I sat on the ground with a fake pout.
"Fine! What do you want to do?" I asked them all as they celebrated in the tree.

"Fly!" They shouted.

I looked to the adult sitting among them.
"I said what do they want to do!?" I huffed.
He gave a fake ass innocent smile and shrugged.

So we dried off and made our way to camp.

"What you doing?" Mo'at asked with a smile as the children ran past her to grab their small visors.

"They want to fly. So we are flying. I feel like Arvok said something but they seem too excited for it to be all him." I hummed.

"Let's go!"
"Come on!"

They shouted laughing as they bounced around us and wished for me to move faster.
I gathered the children and went to thw Ikran with our waiting flying company.

"Lo! Come little hunter!" Arvok smiled plucking the child up over his shoulder.

"Netayum. With Tsu'tey." I chuckled pointing to the Na'vi double checking his saddle.

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