chris hospital stays

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Rhea got home still in her dress as she went to the shower and took it off before crying in the bathtub as she held herself y/n had taken grace and lily to Australia while Rhea stayed home she screamed and sobbed Dominik was with her knocking on the door " Rhea everything okay " he gently opening the door as Rhea looked at Dominik hugging him " our baby is gonna die he's sick it's all my fault! " she screamed punching his chest as Dominik held her close bringing her to the bedroom getting her dressed then cuddled with her " he'll live I promise mami " he whispered consoling her she slowly fell asleep in his arms he stayed with her until the morning he moved got Clem up then made breakfast while Clem ate Rhea got up she was exhausted seeing Dom make breakfast then saw Clem she smiled " hi my babygirl " she said gently kissed her head rubbing her eyes and drinking some coffee " how did you sleep? " he asked gently " fine " she replied sitting down petting buddy; Dominik made their plates giving Rheas her food then his he ate Rhea barely did she was too worried for Chris she got up throwing her stuff away before heading to the bedroom Dominik followed after her with Clem setting her in her pack and play Rhea leaned against dom as Dominik looked at her he couldn't help but kiss her Rhea did too things got heated fast and they both ended up naked Rhea quickly got up cleaning herself up before getting into her everyday clothes picking Clem up " don't tell y/n about this " she said dom smirked " don't worry I won't " he said to her as she walked away she had to take Clem to her appointment with her childcare doctor Rhea walked in speaking with the lady before walking to the waiting area sitting Clem infront of toys as she played waiting for the doctor then she got a call she picked up " hello? Who's this " she asked confused the doctor " this is the hospital calling your son is doing alright we are still monitoring him for anything " he said to Rhea who sighed in relief " thank you so much doctor " she hung up then was called back Clem was doing exercises to see how she was motor and cognitive Rhea watched still thinking about Chris and what happened between her and Dom she sighed before smiling at Clem as the doctor talked with her about stuff after about two hours they left and went back home when they got there Roux was there " hey roux where's Seth and Becky " Rhea asked letting Clem go play confused as she walked into the bedroom seeing Dom, Becky and Seth " hey guys! " she said sitting down " whatcha talking about " Becky " ooh nothing just about how you are and how Chris is doing " Rhea " I'm fine and so is he just overnight stays " she said to them holding her arms as she sighed missing him her maternal was in overdrive as Dominik rubbed her thigh " he'll be okay " he said gently as Rhea nodded smiling getting up and heading to the bathroom trying not to cry she loved her baby boy.

That next morning she got up taking a deep breath getting ready for the day as she sighed taking a minute outside leaning over the railing as Dominik came out behind her she was only wearing underwear and a long shirt " damn I got a nice view " he said staring heavily as Rhea quickly shot up and blushed " sorry dom didn't see you there " she said as Dominik walked up " no its fine I liked " she pushed him away heading into the kitchen picking Clem up and setting her infront of some toys play with as she cleaned up the kitchen feeding Barry trying not to bend much as Dom watched " cmonnn I've seen you naked before and I was there to witness the births of my children what's the big deal " he asked " the big deal is our son is in the hospital I'm with y/n again and I just fucked you two days ago! " she said quietly as she walked away frustrated with Dom and his stupidity he followed shortly after " cmonnn its not that big of a deal " he said to her as Rhea rolled her eyes " whatever Dom get your perverted ass out of here I need to check on Chris " she said shouldering past him picking up Clem " we are gonna vist your brother okay " she said gently going to the car putting Clem in before driving away as Dom gritted his teeth

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