Aftermath of traumatic birth

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Rhea was really sore she needed help while taking care of the babies she was suffering really badly grabbing onto the walls hearing Chris cry she walked to the bedroom picking him up she hadn't showered, or eaten, nor drank anything Dominik had been busy and wasn't able to come home anytime soon she fed Chris changing his diaper as Clem began too she cried trying to focus on one baby before heading to the other and doing the same before calling Dominik she was a mess " d-dom! " she called out into the phone Dominik " yes honey what's wrong? " he asked worriedly " I need you please come home! " she cried gasping for air Dominik sighed " baby I wish I could but I can't I'm working " he said to her " I miss you and the babies and Grace I love you ill be home soon I promise I'll send someone over " he hung up as Rhea went to do the dishes she was hurting struggling badly accidentally cutting her hand screaming holding her hand before sucking the blood to try and cool it she cried sitting on the floor throwing stuff Rey came over seeing the house in the state it was then seeing Rhea on the floor only it a bra, underwear and cover up " Rhea whats going on " he asked calmly crouching down wrapping her hand " I have three kids to take care of I just had two fucking babies your son isn't here with me to help me! I hate this! " she screamed hugging her knees crying Rey hugged her and rubbed her back " I'm here ill help cmon let's get you showered " he said gently taking her to the bathroom getting a hot bath ready for her as she sat down he helped her taking off her clothes before helping her into the tub " just relax now I'll clean up " he said gently and kissed her head leaving the room he started with the bedroom working his way around the house before finishing up checking on grace " hey hun how you doing " he asked " I'm okay is mommy okay " she said to him smiling Rey nodded and sighed " yeah she's just tired and exhausted since she just had your brother and sister " he said whispering before leaving checking on the babies luckily they were asleep then he prepared her food before going back to check on her he had cleaned her hair and body before getting her out and drying her off then brushing her hair and getting her dressed as he laid her down and covered her up then went to grab her food feeding the dog ( don't worry buddy still here:) ) then went to give her food setting down as she ate she smiled " thank you so much Rey you really didn't have too " she said rubbing his cheek sweetly " oh it's not issue I helped my wife when she had kids " he answered honestly " ill be here until dom gets back or you feel good enough to do stuff alone " he said gently before letting be alone texting dom she was okay he was happy Rhea had fallen asleep as she was tired needing a long nap she slept awhile as Rey had taken care of them while she slept before she woke up again rubbing her eyes getting up as she checked on the babies as she took a breath of relief seeing them then going to grace " hey girl let's go out and do something " she said and Grace nodded as she got ready before she got the babies ready she knew she would be in for hell she was nervous taking the babies out but she went to the car putting them in making sure they were secured as grace sat upfront Rhea got in and drove to the mall smiling listening to music before pulling in then getting the babies out as she strolled with them covering their faces and made sure grace stays close when they walked inside " alright pick wherever you wanna go but stay close " she said to her smiling as grace skipped along happily Rhea checked on the babies constantly they walked into hottopic as they looked around snickers were heard before a woman came up tapping Rhea on the shoulder " uh miss? " the lady said smirking and crossing her arms " don't you think it's kinda unfit for you to be a wrestler and have tattoos on your body as mom " the lady added Rhea was struggling as she looked at the lady stuttering she didn't know what to say grace stepped up " my mom is the best mom ever she takes good care of me old bastard " the lady was stunned looking over at Rhea to do something about her child but she didn't they continued to shop before leaving one of the babies got hungry " stay right here grace " she sat down pulling her boob out to feed Chris she smiled as people looked at her with disgusted looks Rhea was becoming self conscious as she didn't have a cover with her her face flushed red trying not to cry then Clem became fussy she got up and picked up Clem feeding her too as people made remark she started cry " I'm just trying to feed my babies they are hungry " she said as an employee came up " miss you either have to leave or do that somewhere else! " Rhea growled " my babies are fucking hungry they need to eat now I'm not trying to show the world my boobs I'm a mom of 4 okay! My husband's is in another city I barely have help around her okay so shut up and leave me alone! " she screamed at the employee she hit her breaking point once they finished eating she put them away and got the babies settled in once more

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