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Y/N was cooking and cleaning she was panted heavily sitting down her coccyx bone was spilt in two she was in pain Rhea came out saw the pain she was in " honey sit down please " Y/n moved away " shut up Rhea you haven't been here for two weeks! " she screamed slapping Rhea " maybe we should just divorce " she said bluntly throwing her ring at her Rhea was taken aback picking up her ring " babe no... " y/n walked away and finished cleaning before Rhea left and sped to WWE she was having panic attack getting out " Finn! Priest! " she called out sobbing, Finn and Priest ran up to her " what's wrong! " they asked " y/n said we should divorce! " she gasps breaking down in their arms picking st her skin as she couldn't stop overthinking Finn and priest looked at each other eyes widen " get Becky and Seth to go talk to her now " Finn said to Priest before calling Becky and Seth " hey I know it's your day off but can you talk with y/n it's bad real bad " Becky and Seth nodded and quickly ran to Rhea's and Y/n house

They got there getting out walking inside Y/N was in pain she was pushing herself Becky walked over " honey what's wrong " she motioned for Seth to finish taking care of everything Y/n broke down " I need my wife I need her my pelvic bone is in two places I'm pregnant again and I have a child to take care of I'm overloaded and stress and just want Rhea " Becky rubbed her back " do you want to divorce Rhea? " she asked Y/n, she shook her head no she just said that in frustration Seth looked at grace smiling gently setting their kid down to play " I just need Rhea I want this pain to stop " she cried Becky consoled her " I know I know Rhea is almost finished with her work then she'll have some time with you but you can't get overwhelmed by this it's not good for the baby " Becky said softly placing a pillow under Y/n gently " I know but it's hard..." she said quietly

Becky " just relax for now me and Seth are here to help you " she said to y/n smiling softly, y/n nodded as she closed her eyes to try and sleep Becky setting up a trashcan next to her incase she pukes Seth texted Priest they were there Rhea had exhausted herself sitting on the ground fiddling with the ring Finn looked at her " cmon you've got stuff to do then we'll talk to the people about giving you some time with y/n " He said as he helped Rhea up putting the ring in her bag and taking her to the locker room " now go get ready " he smiled to her walking Rhea jumped in the shower washing off everything then getting her clothes getting into her character walking with Priest and Finn taking a deep breath " you ready " they both asked Rhea nodded heading out onto the ramp once their entrance played after rhea had finished worked her and Finn went to talk to Triple H about giving her some time with y/n

Triple H " of course why didn't you just say so " he smiled softly hugging the both of them and sending them on their way Rhea got home seeing Becky and Seth and y/n Rhea walked to them " hey Seth hey Becky how is she... did she talk " she asked looking down getting the ring out Becky " yeah she did she doesn't want to divorce you just needs your support is all she's hurting really badly " Rhea " I know it's just I've been so busy with wrestling and haven't had time till now to support her " she teared up walking over to y/n placing the ring back on her finger kissing her head " Triple H let me have some time tho " she smiled gently

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