Backlash conference

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Everyone had arrived in Puerto Rico for backlash getting ready for the conference Rhea got ready throwing on a black tank top with purple makeup and ripped jeans and belt making sure she looked good taking a photo then going to y/n seeing if she was ready y/n was ready smiling " you ready? " she asked Y/n and y/n nodded leaving the hotel heading to the area where the conference was taking place she was also informed Dominik was back and she would have to start her showmance with him again she sighed but went with it kissing Y/n bye and going to Dominik.

Dominik was happy to be back with everyone even tho he wasn't very liked after the events but that was in the past now they could get on with their lives and continue forward with Judgement day and Dom Dom and Rhea Ripley once they were announced they came out Rhea waved her title around and smiled sitting down smirking at the people calling her mami, Zelina and Rey go on about how they are gonna defeat them and everything Rhea laughed " one you aren't gonna bring a chaclna and I'm gonna fold you like pretzel " she got up along with Zelina holding her title getting in her face before a bell rang and they walked off Dominik held her side while Rhea held his laughing and smiling

Y/n saw them as she felt jealous she knew she shouldn't but she did she then walked towards them once the cameras were back on Priest and Bad Bunny " uh hey..." she waved Dominik smiled " hey y/n " he hugged her happily Rhea kissed her lips smiling softly " it's gonna be so great watching them be defeated " Rhea said to herself y/n nodded looking down at her hands Dominik noticed " you okay y/n " he sighed before looking down " I know you don't trust me I don't expect you too I know I've been a shitty person but I've changed really and I'm not gonna interfere with you all anymore if that's what your thinking " Y/n was stunned to hear this " yeah it was and I know Dom it's gonna take awhile before I fully trust you again " Rhea " cmon let's go and get some food since I ain't got nothing to do for now " they all agreed and left eating at some restaurant Rhea was signing stuff for fans taking photos before heading to the hotel room groaning " tomorrow is gonna be a big day "
A/N - TOMORROW IS BACKLASH! We all excited to see bad bunny and priest and Rhea and Zelina fight lemme know your predictions 😉

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