match between y/n and rhea

167 8 13

That day had finally come where Rhea was gonna face her ex wife y/n she got her gear on kissing her title before Dominik and Grace came up hugging her " good luck " they said as Dominik kissed her lips as grace hugged her tightly Rhea walked to the entrance of the ramp hearing her music come on walking out smirking doing her thing walking into the ring giving her title to the ref as y/n's music came on looking up she saw y/n flying down holding her titles before jumping into the ring giving the title to the ref once the ref held the titles she raised them up before signaling the match start Rhea grabbed Y/n by the legs swinging her around into the apron y/n held her back going at her again Rhea dodged y/ns head first into the side " shit! " she held her head jumping up and jumping onto Rhea Rhea had her legs throwing her down pushing her legs up breaking at two Rhea yelled in frustration her eyes darken feeling the adrenaline pulse through her Y/n punched Rhea in the stomach before bulldozing Rhea into the corner multiple times Rhea flinched before shoving her off then grabbing y/n pushing her into the rope before 619 y/n she falls back holding her face her nose bleeding profusely Rhea then picked her up riptiding her y/n laid there the ref counted to three Rhea won the match she screamed taking the titles holding them up before spitting on y/n showing them off infront of others before leaving the ring y/n looked at Rhea who was smirking evily at her heading into the back as everyone hugged her " you did it! Good job Ripley! " they yelled happily Rhea cried tears of joy as she hugged them back " thank you all so much " She smiled as y/n came back there but everyone ignored her except lily and Damian Rhea walked to do an interview

Interviewer " so how did it feel to beat your ex wife in this match and win her titles from her? Was the pressure real "

Rhea laughed " it feels fucking amazing and I THRIVE under pressure so you asking me that is absolutely offensive " she answered before hearing laughter her and Dom both turned to see two men laughing she walked up dom said " mami is talking be respectful " the guy " mami is talking the chick you hide behind " she walked up looking at them as one guy walked away the guy was then confused on where his brother was before the cameras pointed away Rhea and Dom went to change and go home as she smiled happily as Dom helped her she looked down at him smirking " mami's good boy ~ " she whispered lowly as Dominik blushed " thank you mami " he said putting her clothes away and helped her clothes on before she picked up her bag and titles and went to the car getting her stuff inside smiling happily taking pictures with fans.

Y/n cleaned herself up as Damian and lily went to her she was felt horrible she lost her titles " hey dears " she said gently trying not to cry Damian rubbed her back " you did amazing baby " he said to her kissed her cheek " cmon let's just go home " he said to her grabbing their stuff heading to the car with y/n and lily, when Rhea and Dominik got home they put grace to bed ( SMUT THIS NEXT PART! ) Dominik and Rhea kissed each other lips things got heated fast groaning and gripping each other Rhea pushed Dominik on the couch taking off their clothes as she positioned herself on his thing and starts riding him panting heavily kissing his neck sucking on his neck before biting down on his shoulder suckling blood Dom grabbed her hips moaning more room for her to what he pleased to him panting heavily before she pulled away getting up " on your knees " she smirked he did what he was told happily Rhea sat on the couches edge " now watch mami pleasure herself " she smirked pushing her fingers in moaning throwing her head back grabbing the his face as he whined he wanted to help her so badly " please mami let me pleasure you ~ " he pants Rhea shakes her head " no puppy " she moaned out getting closer to her release " mami's gonna finish soon ~" Dominik was getting more desperate as he begged " please mami ~ " he pants out Rhea giggled softly as she started to release onto her fingers moaning before she made Dominik licked her fingers and her pulling him close and playing with him as Dom grabbed at her she tied him up dom was struggling moaning heavily " mami i-i " she smirked mocking doms desperate moans Rhea watched his face contort with pleasure as his legs shook " mami please let me finish." He moans out desperately leaning his head back Rhea " just a little more my love " she smirked as he was obviously struggling he released without permission as Rhea watched licking it up " I'm sorry mami " he said gently panting Rhea " bad boy dom dom " she said grabbing her belt untying him as she bent him over spanking and making him count each time he messed up she restarted until he finished once they were done they cleaned up, showered and went to bed.

A/N - I am so sorry haha

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