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Rhea and Y/N had just arrived in Hawaii for their honeymoon Rhea picked up y/n smashing their lips together things got heated fast both were desperate laying y/n down Rhea looked at y/n for consent which y/n gave before Rhea attacked her neck kissing and leaving hickeys taking off their clothes and moving lower massaging y/n's breasts planting kisses before opening her legs pushing her fingers in panting heavily going softly before y/n moans for her to do what ever she wants to her; Rhea smirked and nodded going faster getting wetter by the minute seeing how y/n reacted to her being inside y/n was close grabbing rhea's hair whimpering she was getting close to climax but Rhea told her to wait edging her y/n pleaded and moaning as Rhea put a strap on pushing in sending y/n over the edge as she started to climax without being allowed to seeing the smirk on rhea's face made y/n realize she was in trouble; Rhea turned her over grabbing her spike belt spanking her making her count y/n buried her face into the pillow as she counted Rhea grabbing her neck " I wanna hear you slut ~ " she said to y/n after they finished they got a shower and went to sleep

Dominik had snuck off the plane they were on as he smirked " I'm gonna make their lives hell " he said whispering booking a room right next to them waiting for the moment they awake once they did Rhea and Y/N had separated for a bit Dominik dragged y/n into his room and had his way with her y/n was screaming for him to get off once he finally did she ran back to the room having a really bad panic attack as she grabbed a razorblade cutting herself reopening wounds crying; Rhea came back in seeing y/n in the state she was in " honey! Honey! What! Why! " she screamed pulling her close y/n answered through shaking breaths " Dom he he raped me! " she cried harder gasping for her Rhea growled as she clenched her fast " that's it we getting a restraining order and everything " Rhea got up calling 911 explaining the whole situation the police understood and got everything in order Dominik was furious when he saw the paper then the police break down the door arresting him again he failed and screamed as y/n covered her ears and held herself still trying to maintain easy breaths Rhea kissed her head " don't worry he will no longer bother us "

Halloween 2023

It's now Halloween everything has been calm for months after the events that took place months ago Rhea and Y/N had been trying round of IVF for months to no avail you both started to become hopeless but y/n tried to put a smile on for the Halloween party that was happening at the house; Y/N decided to take a test incase to ease her mind when it come out positive y/n gasps as she ran to Rhea " babe babe look! It's positive " y/n tears up Rhea hugged her " yah hopefully this one sticks " she said to her before putting her costume on she was dressed up as a vampire and you were dressed up as pennywise you both decided to keep it a secret so just incase you miscarried no one would be sad, people started arriving soon everyone dressed up smiling happily having fun drinking expect y/n because you know can't have alcohol when pregnant y/n was dancing Rhea smiled as she whispered to Finn " she took a test it came out positive " she smiled softly " don't say anything tho she doesn't want people to know incase this one don't work "

It was a month since finding out Y/N was pregnant and luckily this one stuck they were happy y/n was showing but trying hide but she was experiencing symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue, etc Rhea kissed her belly then walked into the center " I think we have to say something you can't wrestle since your pregnant now " Y/n was sad but nodded " we'll tell everyone when you go out onto the ring " they both nodded when Rhea headed out with y/n her belly was being hidden Rhea grabbed a mic taking a deep breath " guess what everyone me and y/n are having a baby! " the crowd screamed as y/n showed everyone backstage jumped happily Finn and priest ran to them " oh my gosh really!? " Y/N nodded smiling wiping her tears she was happy finally something was going good and didn't have to worry about her abusive ex boyfriend she could celebrate her pregnancy a little while after they went to find out the gender they were having a girl deciding to throw a huge party for it happily people brought gifts and took pictures; Triple H smiled " hey y/n how you holding up " Y/n looked " I'm okay just in pain and tired and feel gross all the time " she laughed holding her stomach Rhea came over and kissed her belly " you look beautiful baby " Finn then spotted Liv Morgan walking in as he froze grabbing priest then going to Rhea " Liv is here get y/n away fast " Rhea nodded taking Y/N into another room smiling taking pictures Zelina and Becky pushed Liv " what are you doing here you are not gonna ruin this she has had an amazing pregnancy you are not gonna ruin it " Liv laughs " aww cmon I wanna see her and disgusting belly " Zelina threw Liv out smashing her face into the ground " go.the.fuck away now! " she yelled then walking back inside shutting the door Rhea brought y/n back out finishing up the party.

The next 9 months were grueling everyone was trying to keep Liv away from y/n as this was pregnancy was hard enough on her body the added stress would make it worse one night y/n felt a rush of warm liquid and pain through her body shaking Rhea " ba-babe I think the baby is coming " she hissed in agony Rhea nodded picking her up and driving to the hospital quickly getting there and asking for assistance taking Y/N and Rhea into a room as she screamed in pain the doctor came in and checked her out there were problems she had to be rush to emergency c section Rhea paced the room calling Finn " Finn get here please! Y/N had to be rush something was wrong " Rhea sobbed and Finn nodded keeping her on the phone driving getting there asking for the room then running up hugging Rhea it had been about 5 hours since everything the doctor came in " she and the baby survived " the doctor said smiling Rhea nodded as they brought y/n and the baby in Rhea smiled " what should we name her? " Rhea asked y/n smiled " Grace Demi Ripley " the doctor gave the certification they got everything settle and went home posting the new baby covering the face, Y/N smiled softly bouncing gently Rhea sent photos to everyone smiling " she's so beautiful " Rhea said y/n agreed " yeah she is ".

Rhea got ready for work along with Y/N dressing the baby she was able to wrestle again walking with baby everyone gushing for grace " looks just like Rhea " Seth said to Y/N, y/n nodded smiling kissing grace's head before handing the baby to Rhea going out finally to fight Liv tho her c-section cut wasn't healed very much but she didn't she was ready to finally set Liv in her place


A/N - apologies for this chapter being long I'm trying to update as much as I can I'm in school

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