lazy father stressed out wife

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Dominik was becoming increasingly lazy with their kids Rhea was extremely stressed her drive had gone down, her mental stability had flattened, she was scarily skinny, she was barely showering and Dominik was either working or doing bare minimum around the house she was very snappy with everyone as she busy feeding the babies some liquids " hey dom can you get grace settled for dinner please Clem and Chris are eating " she called out Dominik ignored once more before Rhea called out " Dom please! " she said before he came out throwing a temper tantrum slamming stuff before thrusting the plate infront of grace " there could of done it yourself " he said glaring at Rhea as Rhea snapped walking to dom slapping " are you serious I'm covered in all sorts of stuff from our kids I've barely showered I'm busy with work and YOU CAN'T STEP UP AS A FATHER AND HELP ME WHEN WORKLOAD IS TOO MUCH! " she screamed as she went back to now the screaming babies and crying grace she had a mental breakdown after she got everyone settled for the night in the bathroom punching the wall and screaming in anger before crying and gasping for air, hugging her knees she couldn't handle any of this

Y/n went to check on Rhea she felt something was wrong knocking on the front door Rhea groaned getting up and walking to the door seeing y/n y/n was shocked " Rhea hunny what in the world " she said to her stunned " Dominik isn't help I'm taking care of the dog, Chris and Clem and Grace the fucking house I can't do it anymore I'm so stressed out " Rhea answered crying as y/n growled shutting the door before heading to Dominik " get the fuck out Dominik if you aren't gonna be useful then leave " Dominik got up and left no argument whatsoever as Y/n helped her get everything of doms together " thank you y/n you really didn't have too " she said she sounded exhausted you could hear it too she said packing up Doms stuff before going to deal with the babies after everything was said and done y/n dropped off everything of Dominiks and left heading back to Rhea she was relaxing she was trying to gather as y/n came in she looked at her pulling her close and kissed her lips deeply " miss you so much y/n I'm going crazy without I need you " Rhea said as y/n blushed and agreed kissing back things got heated she aslo broke things off with Damian who was fine with it he wasn't bothered they panted heavily going to sleep.

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