Epilogue - 3 Years Later

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"MOTHERFUCKER!" Akshara yelled, pulling on Abhimanyu's collar and putting her nose up against his. She paused as the pain from the contraction subdued before she fell back against the bed.

Akshara took a few deep breaths, trying to huff and puff her way through the agonizing pain.

"Baby!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, looking up nervously at the doctor and nurses assisting in Akshara's delivery of the Gynecology department of Birla Hospital.

They looked away from Abhimanyu, avoiding eye contact with him but he could tell from their demeanor that they were snickering at him. Yeah, his respect and stature as CEO of the Birla Hospital was about to about to take a nosedive.

"What?!" Akshara growled like the big bad wolf just as she felt another contraction oncoming.

"Language, baby!" Abhimanyu tried to play it calm, trying it to rile Akshara up more than she already was. He knew she was in an immense amount of pain and he knew there wasn't much he could do to help her other then offer her words of affirmation and support.

"DON'T CALL ME BABY! THE ONLY BABY HERE IS THE ONE I AM TRYING TO PUSH OUT OF ME. AND DON'T LANGUAGE ME YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Akshara stopped mid sentence and took a few more deep breaths trying to breathe through the mini contractions rocking through her body. "I am your baby's mother, and you fucked me to get me into this position, so yes, you are a MOTHERFUCKER!" Akshara explained as she took deep breaths waiting for the onset of another contraction.

Abhimanyu sighed, "Do you ever stop being logical?"

"Really? You want to fight about that —now?!"

Before Abhimanyu could muster a response, Akshara closed her eyes and yelled in agony again, gripping and squeezing on Abhimanyu's hands tightly.

"It hurts so much, Abhi." Akshara's voice broke and she felt exhausted having been in labour for the past 20 hours.

"I know baby, I know." Abhimanyu's eyes softened as she sat beside her. "Just a few more pushes, baby. You are doing great." He willed her, kissing her hand.

"I just want to see our baby." She cried.

"I know, me too. Me too." He kissed her forehead just as another contraction hit her.

"Ooh! One more push, Mama, I see the head! He's crowning! One more push and he will be all yours!" The doctor exclaimed, preparing Abhimanyu and Akshara for the arrival of their baby boy.

"Come on, Akshu, you can do it!" Abhimanyu kissed the top of her forehead.

"Don't call me that you, Dumdum!" She growled, tears rolling down her helpless eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Abhimanyu apologized.

"Akshara. Push, baby. Push." He pressed her on, supportingly.

"Ahhhh! I swear to God, if you come near me after this, I will cut your dick off, chop it into a million pieces and shove it up your AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Akshara closed her eyes, give one large cry of pain just before she heard the soft cries of their baby.

Akshara let out a sigh of relief as she fell back against the hospital bed. Abhimanyu went to go see his baby boy as the nurses were cleaning him up.

"Here you go, Daddy. Cut the umbilical cord." The doctor informed Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu looked at Akshara before looking back at the baby they both created. Tears of happiness prickled his eyes as his shaky hands took a hold of the scissors.

Wiping away his tears, he snipped the umbilical cord before the nurses took the baby away to check his vitals.

Abhimanyu went back to his wife, holding her hand. He kissed her on the lips, unwilling to get go of her hand. He wiped her damp hair away from her forehead before pressing his lips to hers again, overwhelmed with emotion.

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