74 - Puppy Love

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"All packed and ready to go?" Akshara asked Abhimanyu dryly as she sat on the dining table with the puppy in her arms.

Akshara looked over Abhimanyu's shoulders to see he was not carrying a suitcase. "Aww, did you have a change of plans?"

Abhimanyu looked down at his shoes, like a child being put into detention. He then looked up at Akshara's stoic face, glared at her before finally breaking down.

He stomped over to the dining table and sat down, facing her. "How could you do this to me? How could you chose between me and him? How could you tell me to leave!" He blurted, hurt that she would ever do such a thing.

"Because you told me to chose!" She pointed out.

"And you chose him!" Abhimanyu accused.

"I told you to pack your bags. Did you?! What if that was my way of telling you to pack for a surprise vacation?"

"Is it?!" He fired back.

"No. But what if it was?" She retorted to an argument that had no head or tail. But they were arguing just for the sake of arguing.

"You do know this argument makes no sense right?!"

"I know!" She yelled back.

"Then why are we even arguing?" He yelled back.

"I don't know!"

"Argh!" Furious and agitated, Abhimanyu wanted to pull his hair out. Abhimanyu ourstretched his hands, wanting to strangle Akshara but held himself back.

"You lied to me. You told me you were allergic to cats and dogs. Why?" Akshara asked, starting a proper conversation.

"I umm..." Abhimanyu avoided eye contact. "I didn't lie! I technically didn't tell you the truth." He replied cheekily.

"Ohmigosh! You are absolutely right! How did I not notice?!" Akshara said dryly, adding to his humour.

"Okay. Honestly?" Abhimanyu asked, just to be sure.


"It was the first date, date, and I didn't want to tell you I was afraid of something! I don't like being vulnerable and I...I just sort of kind of wanted to make an impression on you. A good one! And telling you I was afraid of animals whilst you were bawling your eyes out over a fictional one really...it wasn't going to earn me any brownie points." Abhimanyu confessed. "It's not that I don't care about animals —they are beautiful, loyal creatures but I just...I don't see myself ever taking care of one."

"Oh, Abhi!" Akshara sighed, reaching out to caress Abhimanyu's hand. "You telling me you were afraid of pets would not have been a turn off! At all! In fact, believe it or not, I kind of find it cute. Your vulnerable side that you don't show anyone but me. It makes me love you more."

"Yeah, well. I didn't want you to know my weakness and fears —no matter how minuscule they were. I wanted to appear strong and invincible. But I am not. So now that you know I am afraid of dogs, can we give him away? To a shelter or something?"

"I did. I tried. I took him to a veterinarian to get him checked out and get him his vaccinations. He is about 3 months old right now, his breed is unknown, probably a mutt, an Indian street dog. And I did take him to the shelter. Had even made up my mind to give him away, but I...I just couldn't do it. When I saw the shelter volunteer holding him, he wouldn't stop whispering and I just didn't have the heart to let him go. So I brought him back home. Only planning on keeping him for a day or so and then bringing him back."

Abhimanyu looked between Akshara and the little puppy, his eyes softening as his eyes came in contact with the little puppy's.

Little Man was having fun being pressed up against his Akshara's chest. Flaunting it even. And why wouldn't he? He was stealing all of Akshara's love and affection which was usually reserved for Abhimanyu. Stop it, Abhimanyu! You can't be jealous of a Goddamn puppy!

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