23 - So Many Damned Pillows

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"So how was your day at work?" Akshara asked an unsuspecting Abhimanyu.

"What?" Abhimanyu asked, suddenly feeling his throat go dry, making it tough to swallow the last bit of rice and cheese chilli dancing around in his mouth.

No one had ever asked him about his day before. And what did he even say? His day...had just been a day. Nothing special. Nothing extraordinary. It had been like just any other regular day. Other than the choice words he'd shared with his father and his cousin, it had been like any other regular day.

Abhimanyu cleared his throat before answering. "My day was fine. Busy. That's all."

Short, simple, and curt.

"Oh, nice." Akshara exclaimed, watching Abhimanyu intently.

Abhimanyu looked up to see Akshara still staring at him. What? Was he supposed to continue the conversation? Is that what normal people did?

"How...how was your day?" He asked, uncertainty flashing across his face. Was that appropriate small talk conversation?

"Good. I managed to unpack all my stuff."

"Yeah, I can see that." Abhimanyu replied, looking around his apartment.

Plants. He had house plants now. And throw cushions and throw blankets. Decent cutlery too. His apartment wasn't his anymore.

"Thanks. Do you like it?!" She asked, hopeful.

"I mean, I have no other choice now; do I?"

"Now that I come to think of it, no, no you don't." Akshara replied sweetly, grinning, relishing on the fact that she really, really, really enjoyed messing with Abhimanyu.

"By the way, there is the Birla hospital charity gala coming up in 2 days. And we have to go." Abhimanyu informed her, suddenly shifting the topic from one point of the spectrum to the other.

"Oh." She had no idea why she was caught off guard. She was 'married' to him. Of course there would be public appearances. That's the life she had signed up for. At least for the next year or so.

"As husband and wife."

"Obviously." That's what she was being paid to do.

"A happily married couple." He pressed on, staring at her.

"An madly, deeply in love, happily married couple." Akshara urged him. "And your point being?"

"My point is, will you be able to handle it?" He asked point blank.

"What's there to handle? I just have to act like I'm in love with you. I think I'll be able to manage that." She replied, casually.

"Okay, good. Because this Gala is very important for me. The entire board is going to be there. I really really to make a good impression." Better than Parth at least.

Akshara frowned at Abhimanyu. Why did he look so tensed? "Don't worry. It'll be fine." She assured him. "You'll witness some of my finest acting at the Gala. Everyone will be stunned." She babbled, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Abhimanyu grumbled under his breath. "Good." He said out loud.

"But the question is will you be able to put on a good show?" Akshara retorted, slyly shifting the onus onto him.

"What?" Abhimanyu asked abruptly.

"Yeah, will you be able to pretend to be head-over-heels smitten with me?" Akshara challenged. She had no idea why she as enjoying teasing him so much.

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