79 - Dysfunctional Families

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"Abhi? You're home!" Akshara exclaimed as she put the television remote down and looked up expectantly at Abhimanyu walking into their apartment.

Abhimanyu closed the door behind him and was immediately greeted by Taco running up to him and rubbing himself against Abhimanyu's legs. Abhimanyu bent down to caress Taco on the head.

"Hey buddy." Abhimanyu's voice was soft, half hearted.

Sensing Abhimanyu's mood and temperament, Taco grabbed his chew toy off the ground and made way towards his bed, settling down.

Abhimanyu walked over to where Akshara was sitting on the living room couch watching television. Akshara lowered the volume of the television as she outstretched her hand, holding onto his.

She looked up at him in silent question and concern whereas he looked down at her, his eyes filled with emotion, affection and his heart overwhelmed with with love. Pure love.

Tears prickled Abhimanyu's eyes as he sat down on the sofa and laid his head in Akshara's lap, maneuvering her hands so one of them rested over his chest, holding tightly onto it whilst her other hand gently caressed the strands of his hair in reassurance.

Akshara stayed silent, giving Abhimanyu the much needed comfort and reassurance he was seeking. She kept gently caressing his head whilst he closed his eyes, holding tightly into her hand over his chest, kissing it.

Seconds turned into minutes and silence engulfed them. Neither of them said a word, letting the silence linger.


"I met her today." Abhimanyu spoke, opening his eyes and turning flat on his back on Akshara's lap, looking up at her eyes.

"Abhi?" She asked in silent question.

"The woman who birthed me." He explained, swearing to not refer to her as his mother anymore.

"Your mom? Is that what was troubling you this morning? When you called?"

Abhimanyu sat up, removing his head from Akshara's lap, sitting beside her. "She is not my mom. She never loved me. She never wanted me. She —she thought I was a burden to her. A bad memory of her past whom she wanted to erase."

"Abhi...I am so sorry."

"She refused to recognize me, Akshara. She is married now —to the man she loves. Has a son with him too. She doesn't consider me her son. She didn't even once call me son. She introduced me to her husband as Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. But you know what? I am not mad." Abhimanyu had cried so much by now that this story —the emotions, the feelings connected with it —it didn't affect him the slightest.

"Why? Why doesn't it affect you?" Akshara waited for Abhimanyu to continue.

"Because the woman did one good thing. She told me the truth. She told me that my Dad," Akshara's ears and eyes perked up at Abhimanyu referring to Harshvardhan Birla as dad. "She told me he is the one who loved me my entire life. For 28 years —28 years I was under the misconception that my dad was my enemy. But turns out he was the only ally I had. The only person who loved me more than life itself."

"Abhi..." Akshara was rendered speechless at his confession as tears began to roll down her eyes.

"Funny isn't it? The entire time, I kept blaming my dad for my mom leaving. Blaming him for forcing her to leave me behind with him. When in fact, the truth was she never wanted me anyways. She wanted to be with the love of her life. She wanted a life of her own. I don't blame her. But God Akshara. It hurts. If hurts knowing that your mom never wanted you."

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