64 - Heartbreak and Hurt

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Akshara walked alongside the darkened moonlit path, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Trying to decipher the curve ball aimed their way.

She knew what she had signed up for.

She knew about Abhimanyu's past —his no strings attached, playboy ways. His multitude of women whom he had bedded.

And she has had no issues before.

Not one.

But then why did the thought of him becoming a father to a child —a child which was not theirs cause her such immense pain and hurt?

She didn't want Abhimanyu to father a child with anyone but her.

But more than that, how was she supposed to come to terms with the fact that there would be another woman and a baby —a small innocent baby who would be a part of their lives now?

She felt like a horrible human being.

A horrible wife.

A horrible friend.

A horrible lover.

For leaving Abhimanyu alone in his dire time of need. But she needed to help herself before she could help him.

Come to terms with his truth first, accept it, before she could comfort him.

Akshara outreached her hand and hailed a cab. As a cab came to a stop in front of her, she got in and told the driver. "Just drive."


As Akshara paid the cab driver, after circling around the city for the last 2 hours and finally coming to a destination. Her trusty community center. Just as she was about to enter the building, her phone rang.

She checked the name on screen. Abhi.

She cancelled the call. Until it rang again. And again. And again. Except she didn't answer. Not once.

Her phone pinged and she looked down to see a message from Abhimanyu reading:

Please come back, Baby. Please.

A few moments later her phone pinged again.

I need you.

And again.

I love you.

And again.

Please come back.

Akshara took a deep breath, feeling the chill on her bare legs. She contemplated whether she should text Abhimanyu back or let the message go unanswered.

Akshara closed her eyes and held the phone close to her chest, taking a few deep breaths.

She pulled the phone back and texted Abhimanyu, putting him out of his misery.

I am at the community center. I am safe. Please give me space. Please don't follow me. I will be back, soon.

Akshara read the text again and went back to remove the soon. She took one last glance at the text before pressing send.

She took another deep breath before she entered the community center. For a peace of mind. For clarity. For solace.


I am at the community center. I am safe. Please give me space. Please don't follow me. I will be back.

Abhimanyu read Akshara's text and irrational anger began bubbling up inside his chest. He took his phone and flung it towards the sofa, carelessly.

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