209 | Prison Fight

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     "I am the 7th executive of Crazy 8, and I decided to prove my worth in this battle. I do not have time to be nervous, especially when I have calculated everything which will bring us victory," Felix then answers, and Arjun can only nod his head in understanding.

     "Looks like you really are a friend of Max," he then whispers under his breath.

     But as everyone respected Felix's standing, Cj—who was still looking out of the window—took a deep breath and then asked, "You've calculated everything? You must know whose going to lose among us then."

     The moment Cj opened that up, everyone on the bus became quiet, and the atmosphere instantly got awkward.

     "Cj..." Krist scolds, but then Cj just stands from his seat and looks at everyone on the bus with a much more serious expression. "I thought I was the only confident one here, but it seems like things have changed. Someone has planned for our demise for who knows how long, and all you can do is pretend it's fake and hope for the best. I guess the past months have made you all weak."

     "Charles," Krist calls out this time, finally making Cj shut up and sit back down, crossing his arms and looking out of the window again.

     Everyone on the bus has turned silent because they knew deep down that Cj was right. There have been rumors going around that one of them was going to fail and get demoted. They were already warned about this too when their flags were violated at the Great Hall, but for some reason, no one was doing a damn thing.

     Or so Cj thought.

     During the exchange of secrets between Siren and Viktor, Viktor actually did do something when he found out who the spy was.

     Magnus McKay, a young boy from Westminster College, had no connection with them other than being a participant in Mr. Brains & Brawn. The members of Busters sought him out and threatened him, and the way he confessed was something that surprised them.

     But, of course, that encounter would have to wait for now.

     "I have an idea of who it may be," Felix suddenly announced, making everyone turn their heads to look at him, except for Viktor and Hee-joon, who weren't as curious to know what the young one had to say.

     Felix doesn't say anything at first and just turns his head to Siren, who doesn't really stop him from speaking his mind. But as Felix was about to finish his sentence, Viktor sighed loudly, forcing Felix to stop.

     "You guys really be worrying about others when you should be more worried about yourselves. After all, there is nothing more terrifying than preoccupying your mind with the 'who?' question and then ending up with the answer being 'you,'" Viktor says, instantly making everyone quiet.

     Felix looks at Viktor, but then he sighs and decides not to say anything.

     After that conversation, no one said a thing anymore and just waited to arrive at their destination in silence. Instead of worrying about the rumor, they meditated and thought of strategies instead. While some decided to rest to save their energy for the real battle.

     The ride took around an hour and a half. So when they finally arrived, Everyone immediately looked out of the window and practically started grinning when they saw the location.

     At first glance, you'd think that they were brought to the biggest prison one has ever seen, but when the bus got to the main entrance, a familiar logo was found. It was the school logo of Roland's High School.

     "We're having our first battle here? The association is really changing things up," Hans says, staring at the enormous walls that protected the students. The wall height was actually similar to J.S High, but the only difference was that there were wires on top of the walls, just like what you see in prisons.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz