MiChaeng - In the Dark of the Night [M]

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Note/s: Paranormal/Supernatural AU, Omegaverse

This is an adaptation of a fanfic by wolfjillyjill from archiveofourown.org

P.S. Chaeyoung has pink hair here (Alcohol Free era)


It was the third time this week that Mina had spotted her. The bar was meant for supernaturals to mingle, but the vampire often kept to herself. Being one of the few high-ranking officers of the Vampiric court meant that she was suspicious of everyone and everything. She didn't mean to be, but unfortunately that's just how things were. So she clocked her constant observing of the woman across the bar as just that. She was suspicious of her.

From the scent alone, Mina could tell the woman was a werewolf. An alpha, to be specific. A rarity in this town. She smelled as if she hadn't been from there. Possibly seeking refuge from the underground which is infested by vicious creatures and dangerous criminals, she couldn't be sure. But the werewolf had an air about her that definitely caught the vampire's attention every time she saw her there. Mina's eyes roamed her form as the werewolf stood from her stool, stretching a bit, then started walking. Walking, until she turned the corner of the bar and headed in Mina's direction.

The vampire felt herself slightly panic as the werewolf approached. Nervousness wasn't her forte, but the dominant waves that came floating off the alpha's exterior, left her feeling all kinds of things she wasn't accustomed to. Mina was a Myoui. One of the longest living lines in vampire linage. No one made her nervous or even remotely shy. No one... until...

The werewolf stopped at Mina's side. Leaning against the bar top, staring at her. Even though the vampire had fully turned herself away once she realized she'd been caught, she could still feel the werewolf's eyes on her from the side.

"What you drinking tonight, beautiful?" There was a raspiness to the werewolf's voice. One Mina hadn't anticipated, and the reaction her body had to it's sound didn't go unnoticed.

"O-Negative, universal donor," Mina said nonchalantly. Trying to make herself sound bored and uninterested.

The werewolf didn't let that deter her though. "Mhmm, that is a pretty good flavor. Had me one of those once in the old days, before supply was even a thing." The woman said as she pulled out the neighboring stool and sat beside Mina. Their legs slightly touching since there wasn't much room between each seat. "Rough night?"

Mina wasn't sure what the werewolf was after. Clearly she'd been caught staring at her from afar, so why wasn't she just addressing that and moving on? Regardless, Mina took the bait. Out of curiosity, of course. "Not particularly, not tonight anyways." She answered as she took another sip of her glass, finishing its contents. "Why do you ask?"

"Another O-Neg for the lady and a whiskey neat for me." The werewolf quickly ordered to the bartender before turning her head back to the vampire. "Well, I figured you were staring at me either because you had a rough night," She downed the whiskey in one go as soon as it was placed in front of her, then slammed the glass on the bar top. "Or, you were interested in having a rough night with me."

The smug expression of confidence on the werewolf's face when Mina turned to look at her was absolutely ridiculous, as well as offensively presumptuous. As if the alpha was 100% sure Mina would be leaving with this pink-haired, insanely attractive and lean built, tattooed woman, with brown eyes that were slowly turning black by the second. Like her forward attitude would have Mina's knees weakening and having her get carried off to anywhere and letting her do anything she wanted without question.

The nerve.

No, the audacity of this unbelievable beast.

Mina had every right to scold her. Throw a drink at her. Warn her off and bare her fangs to show this young pup that she would not be conquered by just anyone. Fuck her for thinking so.

TWICE: The MultiverseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang