JeongMi - Master's Orders [M]

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Note/s: Arcane (League of Legends) AU

This is an adaptation of a fanfic called "Master ordered me to fuck her!" by HeQing from


Holding head high, chin up, and chest out.

With a bath towel hanging from one hand, Jeongyeon stands against the wall, staring forward with a motionless gaze; her back is straighter than the maid's code requires. The water gurgling in the bathroom behind her and Mina's slender figure cast a haze on the vapory glass wall. While Jeongyeon counts the minutes, she is already lost in thought, a common technique experienced servants use to pass the tedious hours of waiting for their masters' orders.


Jeongyeon closes her eyes, and even though months have passed since that night, every moment of that time - the dark night outside the window, the dazzling chandelier overhead, the soft bed, Mina's warm, caressing every breath on her skin - is still fresh in her mind.

She remembers Mina's fingertips gently brushing her temples as she obediently lifted her lips from the breasts that haunted her day and night, and she was about to sink down to worship the shallow dip of the navel. The princess smiled wryly.

"Are you this quiet when you're having sex too, Jeongyeon?"

Jeongyeon lifted her eyes. Through the messy hair, all she could see was Mina's delicate chin and the slight curve of her mouth. Jeongyeon didn't answer but paused shortly before returning to her master task.

One of the basic rules for servants: keep quiet as much as possible. Usually, when you meet your master, turn to the side, stick to the wall, give way, and never make a sound without being asked. Lower the voice and smaller the movement in every moment. And the more momentous the occasion, the less noticeable you should be.

A momentous occasion? Jeongyeon's tongue paused for a moment; sleeping with her master would be considered a momentous occasion.

Jeongyeon continued down, her nose resting on Mina's abdomen while her other hand slowly lifted Mina's right leg that looked incredibly long and could go on forever; she heard Mina grunt out a whimper above her head. The tone rose, and the ending sound was prolonged as if she had tasted a satisfying dessert.

Something was smoldering faintly from her ear to the back of her neck.

"I am hard to satiate, you know." She remembers Mina's lazy, teasing tone as the milady wrapped her arms around Jeongyeon's neck, hugging her down onto the king-size bed. Long black hair spreading into a tempting sea before Jeongyeon's eyes, "You won't let me down, will you?"

Plonk. The name jolted Jeongyeon's chest, sending ripples from her fingertips to her toes. There were so many servants in the house that Mina never asked anyone's name, including her. And Mina always waved at the maids, or she would snap her fingers when she was in the mood.

Jeongyeon never dared to imagine that her master even knew her name.

"Mina." Jeongyeon unconsciously cooed her master's name out of her throat, familiarly and intimately, as if she had murmured it a thousand times before.

And indeed, she did. Jeongyeon always murmured Mina's name during breaks or boring afternoons. And she did so on those tossing and turning nights.

But it was the first time she had done so in front of her master. As soon as she realized she was speaking out, Jeongyeon hastened to keep her mouth shut. To speak without her master's consent was a mistake, and to call her by his name was an even greater crime. With bitten lips, her lower abdomen tensing involuntarily lest she offended the noble princess or lost this opportunity to serve her master.

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