2Yeon - Cats [M]

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This is an adaptation of a fanfic called "Cat got your tongue?" by Trashibesensei from fanfiction.net


Nayeon awoke to the sound of a crying baby. It was a horrible sound, piercingly loud and with an immense ring of urgency to it that even her motherly instincts kicked in almost immediately after she had been torn away from her sweet, sweet sleep. Something that didn't come to her so naturally these days. Which is why the crying baby let her motherly instincts of worry and the urge to help it evolve into something totally else and maybe not as healthy for the screaming infant very quickly.

Thank god she wasn't the mother responsible for the child.

What her drowsy self couldn't comprehend at the moment was why the screaming was coming from under her window. What kind of inhumane mother would put their child under her window in the freezing cold at night?

All this were thoughts that crossed Nayeon's mind in her slowly awakening state and most of them just didn't quite make sense.

A glance at her digital clock revealed that it was 5 in the morning. Great, only one more hour to go until she had to get ready for her 8am lecture. With a growl, she grabbed her pillow and pulled it over her face, trying to shield her ears from the bloodcurdling screeching. But with the progress of her awakening brain she suddenly realized something.

That wasn't a child crying at the top of its lungs under her window.

It was cats.

With something similar to her motherly instincts but just as urgent suddenly spreading through whole her body - and finally helping her make sense of what was going on - Nayeon jumped out of her bed and ran outside and onto her balcony.

Under it, on the patch of grass next to the set of stairs that lead to the entrance of the apartment complex, were two cats. One of them with a tail that was twice the size than the actual cat and the other one lying submissively on its side, its paws defensively stretched out.

Nayeon immediately recognized the scene and with a fear rivaling that of an actual worrying mother, she furiously shouted at the cat that was currently terrorizing her own furry child.

"Hey, you lousy beast, scurry off! Get. Away. Now! Shush!"

The very loud clank of a glass door sliding open just a little bit too harshly made Nayeon wince right then.

"Jesus Christ, what is your damn problem?!"

Walking out on the balcony opposite her was her neighbor - or let's say, the most annoying, always moodily, and on top of it all, rudest human being Im Nayeon had ever met. Yoo Jeongyeon was a woman that always had to make a show out of anything she did, mostly though she would offend Nayeon with her goddess-like body lying sprawled out on a deckchair in the middle of the day when she came home from university and just positioned in such a manner so that everyone passing by could see those well-defined abs and these way too sharp hip bones.

But most importantly, the woman was also the owner of the beast that was currently spitting venom at her beloved four-legged friend.

As if on cue, Nayeon snapped herself out of her dreamy state, which was possibly a side effect of her abruptly interrupted sleep. She would probably have to deal with the side effects a lot more later this day. With the best scowl she could manage, she pointed at the scene under her window and shouted back.

"Well, would you just get your damned, flea-infested street cat off of my child!?"

The reply was an arrogant snort from the woman on the other balcony, underlined by the crossing of her arms. Here it should be noted that her neighbor wasn't wearing anything besides some black lacy underpants and a tank top that was obviously lacking any kind of supporting cushion underneath it. Well, she couldn't blame her, it was kinda cold. What Nayeon didn't like however, was that she found herself even more annoyed when that sight was then taken away from her by the crossing of her neighbor's arms.

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