JeongMi - Delinquent

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This is an adaptation of a fanfic called "Another World: Hermione Chapter" by DarthMittens from


Yoo Jeongyeon curled into a tighter ball as her curtains were wrenched open, making her squeeze her eyes shut harder in an effort to ward off the sunlight.

"Come on, Jeongyeon, rise and shine!" said a chipper, angelic voice.

"I don't want to," Jeongyeon groaned, pulling her blankets over her head.

"Well, it's my duty as your girlfriend to get you to school whether you like it or not," said Mina.

"Then maybe we should break up," Jeongyeon mumbled in a poor attempt at humor.

She was met with silence. Jeongyeon let her eyes open and rolled over to find Mina looking at her somberly. "Don't say that," Mina said, looking anxious. "Don't even joke about that."

"Sorry, sorry," said Jeongyeon, itching her head. "Don't worry about it, I'm glad I get to wake up to your beauty every morning."

Mina hurriedly turned around in an effort to hide her blush. "I'll go make sure breakfast is ready," she mumbled before hurrying out of the room.

Jeongyeon got dressed and exited her room, cracking open her dad's door on the way to the stairs to find Yoo Soohyun snoring with the television flickering, a half-empty bottle of booze held precariously in his left hand. Jeongyeon sighed and shut the door quietly, heading downstairs to join her girlfriend. Ever since Jeongyeon's mother had died in a car accident when she was little, her dad had never been the same.

"We're running late, so I made you some toast that you can eat on the go," Mina said hurriedly, thrusting a napkin and two pieces of toast into Jeongyeon's hand along with her school bag. Mina popped open the fridge and grabbed a box of orange juice, tucking it in Jeongyeon's breast pocket.

She looked down at it before looking back up at Mina and raising an eyebrow at her. "Oh, shut up," Mina said, rolling her eyes as she grabbed Jeongyeon's hand and dragged her out of her house. "Wouldn't do good to be late on the day of the announcement of the school president election results."

Jeongyeon smiled to herself. She knew Mina wanted to add 'just in case I win.' Because on top of (or despite) being smart and bookish, Mina was also surprisingly popular among her peers. She attributed it to the fact that they knew she was just trying to help them and they appreciated it, but Jeongyeon knew it was because she was unfailingly kind and always modest about her achievements. In fact, and even though it actually happened quite often, the only times Jeongyeon ever saw Mina even remotely frustrated or angry was when she was scolding their mutual friend, Son Chaeyoung.

Jeongyeon, on the other hand, was widely regarded as a substandard and often looked down-upon student. She was a delinquent, a troublemaker, though she had somewhat changed her ways since meeting Mina near the middle of their previous year of high school. But that didn't change the fact that she got poor grades (in fact, she'd probably be failing if she wasn't going out with Mina), was habitually tardy (and had actually managed to drag Mina into that bad habit), and was generally withdrawn from the rest of the student population (meaning the rest of the school had no idea that she was a better person and student now). The two of them were definitely an odd pairing, but Jeongyeon was glad that it seemed to be working out so far.

Because she honestly loved everything about Mina. How beautiful she was both inside and out, how hardworking she was, how she firmly believed in everything she said, how she was unwilling to compromise her values for anyone else's sake, how she constantly pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear when it fell loose because she was writing so vigorously, how she bit her bottom lip when she was deep in thought. Everything.

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