DahMo - Chords

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This is an adaptation of a fanfic called "Freckles and chords" by cryinfgorcaitvi from archiveofourown.org


"Hirai, I'm really trying to understand where you're coming from, but your performance today was precarious to say the least."

Professor Park wasn't talking too loudly, to avoid humiliating Momo in front of the remaining students that were packing their instruments up.

"And not only today. All of your performances throughout the years have been a disaster."

The professor was trying to keep his voice low, to not cause a scene, but the woman, on the other hand, was trying really hard not to throw a tantrum at the man in front of her.

"I'm afraid if you don't improve until the final show at the prom, you'll not be able to pass this class."

Shit. This was bad. Really, really bad.

"But professor..." She tried to explain herself but she was bluntly interrupted. 

"There are no buts, Hirai. This has gone too far already." Professor Park tried to look assertive but he couldn't hide that pair of kind eyes that tried to reassure the student in front of him.

"Look, Hirai." He sighed deeply and gave her a tender look. "I really believe in you and I know you can do it, but you need to put your hands to work." 

Momo stared down at her dirty shoes, that she refused to let the maids clean, trying to avoid eye contact with the professor. "I know." She said, voice so low the professor almost didn't hear her.

"It's been three years, Hirai. You're graduating in two weeks." He continued with a tone that Momo did not like at all.

"I know." She repeated, still looking at her feet.

"And on top of this, you're failing three other classes. If you don't do a decent performance at the show, you are out of this college, do you understand?"

"Yes, jeez, I understand." She finally snapped, fury filling her eyes. He might have had more power in the school than the principal, but Momo was not intimidated by a few academic degrees.

She always despised people that were too smart, more than she would have ever been. It was jealousy more than hate, but she would have never admitted that out loud, especially in front of this professor.

Her angry stare faded and was replaced by an embarrassed one. Momo wasn't rude, nor did she ever talk to her superlatives with that tone, but that last part of the year was becoming incredibly stressful for her. Professor Park wasn't recognizing the woman in front of him and neither did she.

An awkward silence fell between the two, after the last students left the practice room. The professor looked behind Momo and he acknowledged that her friend was still there with them, waiting for Momo to finish.

Professor Park was the one who broke the silence. He lowered his voice even more, trying not to sound too harsh with his student that was in clear distress. "What are you planning to do, Hirai?"

She looked at the floor again, rocking herself from the tip of her toes to her heels. "I don't know." She whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

"Are you finally ready to ask for help?" He dropped the bomb. "It's been three years, maybe it's time to take the big step."

Ask for help.

This was definitely something that Momo wasn't used to doing. She wasn't smart enough to graduate from this school and she knew it from the first moment she stepped into the big, shiny complex.

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