SaiDaTzu - Caught on the Tide [M]

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Note/s: Genderbender, threesome

This is an adaptation of a fanfic by NuclearNik from


"What exactly did she say?"

Dahyun planted his elbows on his thighs and leaned forward, speaking quietly in the open office.

"She said, and I quote, 'pirate kidnapping fantasy'."

"And that's it?"

"That's enough, isn't it? Seems pretty clear to me, especially considering she was talking to Nayeon-noona over mimosas. No topic is off limits at brunch."

Steepling his fingers beneath his chin, Tzuyu raised an eyebrow at Dahyun. "You heard half a sentence and now you think you know that Sana-noona wants to spice things up in the bedroom?"

With a shrug, Dahyun replied, "Well, yeah."

Tzuyu seemed to think it over for a moment. "Fine, but if we're going to do it, we need to go all out."

The corner of Dahyun's mouth turned up in a smirk. "What did you have in mind?"


Excitement thrummed through Sana's veins as she placed her hand on what felt like an old, wooden crate, steeling herself for the surprise. Tzuyu and Dahyun had instructed her driver to have her wear a blindfold five minutes before she arrived at the destination. She's been blindfolded ever since she got out of the car and caught a whiff of her boys' scents. Even with her eyes closed, she could tell Tzuyu was holding her left arm and Dahyun was holding her right one so she doesn't trip (as she's prone to do). The ground feels wobbly under her feet and her shoes were tapping on what she assumed was a wooden floorbord. With soft cloth tied over her eyes, every sense was heightened.

After a few more steps, Tzuyu had deemed it proper time to remove the blindfold and when she opened her eyes, she was not prepared for what she saw.

She thought Tzuyu and Dahyun would take her away for a day on a yacht or a cruise ship (she managed to catch a glimpse of the ocean before she was blindfolded) or perhaps there was a floating restaurant by the docks.

There was technically a beach, stretching out a bit to the south on what she assumed to be a small island.

But she was standing on a ship she'd never seen before docked at the shore, and when she slowly turned her head to spot Dahyun and Tzuyu where they stood behind her, she took in their white shirts with billowing sleeves as her mind whirled in an attempt to understand what she was seeing. They looked dangerously handsome; she would give them that.

A black flag with a skull and crossbones hung from the mast, swaying in the breeze.

"We're on a... pirate ship?"

Tzuyu cut a sharp glance towards Dahyun, I told you so clear in his expression.

The tips of Dahyun's ears— barely visible under a mop of messy curls —grew pink, but he schooled his features into confidence.

"I heard you say you wanted to mix things up in the bedroom."

For someone that took pride in their quick mind, Sana was struggling immensely to make sense of the words coming out of Dahyun's mouth.

"When Nayeon-noona came over the other day and you sat out on the porch to chat."


She knew the moment he was referring to and things were starting to click into place. "I was just telling Nayeon-unnie something I read in a romance novel."

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