MiChaeng - Roller Coaster

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This is an adaptation of a fanfic by GravityBeam from fanfiction.net


Chaeyoung pressed the green button and sent another load of people on their way down the track.

It had been a busy day today at the park, but she still hadn't gotten the inspiration she was looking for yet.

Some people might think that operating one of the biggest and fastest roller coasters in the country will be an exciting job, but you got used it it quite fast. It was a repetitive exercise, herding people in, sending them off, and repeat. But Chaeyoung still enjoyed it, it was almost relaxing in a way, despite all the activity and commotion.

But probably the main reason she was here was all the people. She was in a perfect vantage point to be exposed to a large amount of foot-traffic, and people of all countries, shapes and sizes passed through each day. She liked to pick one person that stood out to her during the shift, and draw them in the break.

She was studying art at university, but always found observation in the real world a more educational experience. She was almost at the end of her shift now, and still hadn't decided on a suitable candidate when someone in the crowd caught her eye.

It was a girl around her age, blonde hair in a messy braid, wearing a 'SU' Seoul University jersey and blue jeans. She was at a good distance from her as she stood in the queue, but she could still make out her beautiful brown eyes.

She was pretty. Like seriously pretty. And Chaeyoung was used to seeing a ton of girls on a regular basis in this job, but she had no doubts in admitting that she'd never seen anyone like her yet. She wondered why she hadn't seen her at her college before. Maybe she was new? Or maybe it was just a coincidence. It was a huge campus after all.

Then Chaeyoung noticed the tall muscular guy with her, and felt a twinge of disappointment instantly. "Come on, Chaeyoung," she chided himself mentally. "Ten seconds ago you didn't even know she existed and now you're sad she has a boyfriend?"

Averting her gaze, Chaeyoung busied herself with the panel as the coaster returned from another round and people disembarked. She glanced up to see the blonde girl step into the seat beside her guy a bit hesitantly, and saw him mutter something to her with a frown.

The restraints came down around them, effectively trapping them in place. Chaeyoung saw her eyes widen, clearly distressed now. Chaeyoung finally understood what was going on. She was probably scared of the ride but had gotten in it because of the guy's insistence.

If there was one thing made crystal clear in the training manual, it was to always give the customers the utmost freedom to exit the ride if they felt uncomfortable. She had seen it on numerous occasions, people peer pressured by friends into going on the ride, under the guise of stuff like "don't be such a scaredy cat".

Chaeyoung was having none of it. Wasting no time, she pressed a switch on her console, releasing everyone's restraints. There was some confused looks from everyone seated in the coaster but that didn't perturb Chaeyoung, as she calmly walked out of her booth and down the platform till she reached the blonde girl's row.

"Excuse me miss, are you sure you are feeling comfortable going on the ride? It's perfectly fine if you want to exit," she said in her most professional reassuring voice.

She blinked at Chaeyoung in surprise, and her boyfriend answered, "She's fine miss, can you please just start the-"

"I asked her," Chaeyoung said, giving him a hard look. Then she looked at her expectantly.

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