SaChaeng - Trip

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This is an adaptation of a fanfic called "Just a Short Trip Away" by BoredomIsADangerousThing


Sana rarely traveled, but her sister insisted that she see her new flat in London; about 2 ½ hours away from their parents home in Brussels. So, here she was; less than an hour into the train ride, peering over the pages of her book at the girl seated across from her. She looked the girl over, seeing a mane of black hair, green eyes, and beautiful features. She was dressed from head to toe in dark colors apart from her red sneakers, multiple piercings littering her ears, singing softly as she listened to her ipod. Only when the girl cast a smirk her way did she realize that she had been staring for entirely too long. Sana's gaze snapped downwards quickly, her face heating up as she shot a text to her best friend.


Yeah? Came the quick text back.

Momo. There's a really hot girl here.

On the train?

Nah, at the gym. Yes, on the train, you idiot.


What should I do?

Send me a picture.



How in the hell do you expect me to get a picture of her?

On your phone?

What if she sees?

She won't. And even if she does, would that be such a bad thing? Conversation starter!

There could be serious repercussions here!

Nah, you'll be fine. Now send me a pic. I wanna see if you've got good taste.

*sighs* fine. But if I get in trouble you're gonna hear about it.

Placing her book to the side, Sana carefully angled her phone so that she could snap a clear picture of the other girl, making sure to get a clear shot of her face.

"So, do you want me to pose, or...?" A voice asked, startling her. She cautiously looked up, to find the girl's gaze on her. Shit.


"Relax, it's not the first time. Taking pics for a friend or...?" She waggled her eyebrows, making Sana's ears warm again. Chill Minatozaki, before you catch fire. God this is embarrassing.

"I wasn't-" Yeah, based on that expression, she wasn't buying it. "Alright, alright. My friend was curious."

"And why would she want to know about your random cabin-mate?"

By this point, Sana was sure she was bright red, "Um... I may have kind of sent the conversation in that direction."

She must've noticed the other girl's embarrassment, because she didn't ask her to continue. "Okaay... well, come here."


"Chill, man. If she wants a picture; she can have one, but you're gonna be in it with me," she had grinned (kind of reminding Sana of a tiger that'd found its prey) when she added the last part.

"Are you-?"

"I'm sure. Now, c'mon, I don't bite." With the way she kept flashing her teeth at her, Sana wasn't so sure. Moments later, however, the other girl had managed to coax her over; where she threw an arm over her shoulders and leaned in close, quickly snapping a photo before leaning away. Sana noticed, however, that her arm still sat upon her shoulders; actually, she was more aware of that than anything else. "What's your number?"

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