The class went smoothly according to my observation. The teacher greeted them before his departure and came out of the class. Yoongi hyung.  So it's Yoongi Hyung that's why I felt like I knew him I think.  What is he doing here? Why do I have to have such a weird dream about Yoongi Hyung?  According to my memory, he has never been a teacher or wanted to be one. So why? I might have gone crazy.

                      The little girl from my last dream ran behind him with something in her hands.  " Mr. Min " she called him when she almost reached him. He turned towards her with a smile plastered on his face and crouched down to her height.  " what dear" he asked. " Mr. Min I bought this to show to you " She said handing the thing in her small hands to her. 

                         He took it in his hands.  He opened it. It was a collection of a variety of butterflies. It looked pretty.  Yoongi Hyung took a good look at the butterfly collection and looked up at the girl." Do you like it Mr Min" she asked curiously.  " it's looks so good dear. Have you done everything by yourself " She nodded her head cutely. " ok dear go to class the next class is about to start" he said. " Ok Mr.Min " she said taking it from his hands and walking back to her class.

                     Hyung if only you know why she collect those you would have spoken differently.  She is lonely.  She has no one to speak to.  I know it's just a dream but thinking about the little girl my eyes tear up. She is happily walking back to her class holding it close to her heart. It tears me apart even more.

The next class went smoothly and she was back to herself.  I'm bored.  Hyung at least you can give me a little company right? That's when the bell rang again.  Every student rushed out of their class. It's lunchtime I guess.  That little girl came out of her classroom calmly.

                     She was walking towards the staircase that leads to the floor below the floor I'm standing. She was walking past a group of kids.  That's when one boy grabbed her bag from behind and made her fall. The rest of the kids started laughing with him at her. After a few seconds, she started trying to stand but then again a girl pulled her legs and fall back on her butt.

She started sulking.  Before she could do anything again a tall boy grabbed her bag and started rummaging her stuff. She started crying.  She tried to reach for her bag but she couldn't.  He took out the butterfly collection that she showed to Yoongi Hyung earlier. " So this is what you were showing to Mr Min huh," he said lifting it above his head so she could not reach it.  "please.. give them... back me," she said between her sobs.

                             I wanted to go and get her precious butterfly collection back to her. I wanted to hold her tight in my arms and say that she isn't alone. I wanted to go out of this bond but to my dismay, I can't.  " Can your butterflies fly? Let me see" he said taking out one in his hands. " No.. no ...please," she said with the little energy left in her. He threw that like launching a paper plate. I fell to the ground.  When she was about to take it in her hand a shoe came in and left just a substance more like Ash. Before she completely grieves over her dark blue with black outer line butterfly half of her collection was destroyed.

                    " What's happening here?  " a voice snapped at the tall boy and he dropped the butterfly collection box to the ground.  It's Yoongi Hyung. Why can't he come early? " You all of them principals room now" he shouted at the students.  They lowered their heads and went somewhere god knows where. Yoongi hyung Crouched down to the little girl's height and lifted her chin.

" Dear don't cry," he said with a soft voice.  She just said " My butterfly ". Yoongi Hyung took the box in his hands just to witness only one bright yellow butterfly. He kept it aside and wiped the little girl's tears.

               I started calling Yoongi Hyung but he is not noticing me. I wanted to tell him about her condition. I know he is the only one who could help him. But he can't hear me. What should I do?

                            Y/N POV

I was asleep but not in my deep slumber.  I could hear someone speaking.  Who the hell speak at this time? I tried to sleep but that voice felt familiar. I opened my eyes and I jumped out of the bed when I saw a man next to me. After a brief minute, the realisation hit me. It's Taehyung.  Yah! What could I expect after marriage?  I went back to the bed and sat beside him. So, he is the one who's speaking all this time. I went close to his face so that I could hear him. I can't comprehend the words he is speaking. He suddenly sat up. What just happened? He turned towards me with his face red.

"Y/N..." "Teahyung don't " I said not looking at him in his eyes.  He held my hand.  " That's an accident," I said collecting my thoughts together.  " fine Y/N. Look here" he lifted my chin to face me. " Y/N ahh what were you doing a few seconds back," he asked me. What should I say? " I heard you mumbling in your sleep I tried to listen," I said with a straight face.  That's what I was doing.  " Oh I had a dream nothing else " he said laying back in the bed. " Mmm," I said still sitting.  I can't think properly after what happened.  Oh my god, it's so embarrassing.  Suddenly he pulled me down next to him. "Sleep Y/N ahh you are acting like this is the first time I kissed you and that too an accident ". I tried to protest but he put a finger on my lips stopping me.

He patted my head Mouthing a good night and wrapping his arms around me. How could I sleep like this? I looked up at him he closed his eyes and started sleeping. I have no other go except to sleep now.

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