Zeena's Pranks

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Zeena: Well, normally, I don't like doing physical activity such as pranking people because it ruins my skin, but they have been getting on my nerves, and I do wanna get back at them, so dare accepted! [We then cut to Zeena in Zik's room] Now wher...

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Zeena: Well, normally, I don't like doing physical activity such as pranking people because it ruins my skin, but they have been getting on my nerves, and I do wanna get back at them, so dare accepted! [We then cut to Zeena in Zik's room] Now where is Zik's staff? [She saw Zik's staff in the corner] Found it! [She took Zik's staff and left the room] Alright! I got Zik's staff, and now I just have one more thing to steal! [We then cut to Zeena in Zor's room. She saw Zor's rose on his nightstand] Ah hah! [She took Zor's rose and left the room] Alright, I got the two things I needed, and now I think I'm gonna deliver these to Zavok's room! [She went into Zavok's room and put the staff and rose on Zavok's nightstand] Perfect, now when Zor and Zik ask where their stuff is, they'll think Zavok stole it! Now, time to go prank Zazz and Zomom! [She laughed evilly as she stole a fishing rod from Zik's room, then went into Zazz's room and stole one of his Whitty plushies while he wasn't looking. Then she casted the fishing rod over to Zazz close enough for the magenta zeti to see it] Hey Zazz, look what I got!

Zazz: [He saw that Zeena had his Whitty plushie] HEY!!!!! Is that my Whitty plushie?!

Zeena: [She smirked evilly] If you want it back, you're gonna have to chase after it!

Zazz: [He jumped out of his bed] GIVE ME MY BABY BACK!!!!! [He started chasing after Zeena]

Zeena: [She ran around with the Whitty plushie, and then went into Zomom's room and stole his chicken leg while he wasn't looking] Hey Zomom, look what I got! [She held up Zomom's chicken leg]

Zomom: HEY!!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY DINNER!!!!! [He started chasing after Zeena]

Master Zik: Has anyone seen my staff?

Zor: Forget about your staff! Has anyone seen my rose?!



Zeena: [She smirked evilly] Fine then! If you want them so badly, then go fetch! She threw the plushie and chicken, causing Zazz and Zomom to leap over to the items and start fighting for them]

Zavok: What's going on over here!

Master Zik: My staff is missing!

Zor: And my rose is missing!

Zeena: Well, maybe you guys should go look in Zavok's room!

Zavok: My room?! [Master Zik and Zor went into Zavok's room, only to see the staff and rose on Zavok's nightstand] What?! What is your stuff doing on my nightstand! [Zik and Zor glared at the red zeti] Guys! I swear I did not steal your stuff!

Zeena: [She was looking at everything that was going down, then she winked at the camera]

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