Espio's Revenge!

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Espio: Okay, I like this dare already!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Espio: Okay, I like this dare already!

Amy: Are you sure this is a good idea, Espio? What if your dad sees you?

Espio: I'll be camouflaged, Amy! He won't see me!

Amy: Espio, don't you think you should ust let go of the past?

Espio: No way, Amy! How can I let go of the fact that my father's behavior made my mom commit suicide, made Liza run away and tortured by a pedophile, made Valdez run away and roboticized, and me scarred for life!

Amy: I know you're still scarred from your past, Espio, but what if your father ends up finding out you did this and hurts you even more?

Espio: That's why I'm bringing Silver to get me outta there just in case!

Silver: Wait, what?! [We then cut to Espio and Silver at Larion's house]

Espio: Alright, Silver, remember the plan. I'm gonna go up to his house and throw a shuriken at it, and in case my dad sees me, you'll grab me with your telekinesis and run!

Silver: I don't know about this, Espio... Maybe Amy's right... Maybe you should just let go of the past...

Espio: No way! This is probably the only time I'll get to finally get revenge on my so-called father!

Silver: If you say so...

Espio: [He went into camouflage, then went up to his dad's house and threw the shuriken, hitting the window and smashing it!

Larion: [He heard the window smashing and went outside to see what was going on] What's going on! [He saw that the window was shattered] HEY!!!!! Who broke my window! [He looked around to try and find the culprit, but to no avail] Grr...

Silver: [He saw Espio going back to him] That was amazing, Espio!

Espio: Thanks! Now let's get outta here before he sees us! [They both ran off]

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