Dare For Everyone

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Amy: Hey guys! I just got our next dare!

Espio: Another dare?! We are being swamped this time around!

Amy: We sure are! It's crazy!

Eggman: Well, it's a good thing that this is our last day being nice! I just wanna be evil again!

Amy: Well, I'm afraid you guys might not like this dare that much...

Eggman: Why not...?

Amy: Well, I think it's best if I just read the dare. This dare is from Flora_Fern, by the way! [Reads the dare]

 This dare is from Flora_Fern, by the way! [Reads the dare]

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Espio: Uh... Do we have to do this?

Charmy: What kind of question is that, Espio? Of course, we have to do this! It's a dare!

Vector: Well, let's just get this over with... Besides, I think it would be pretty good to talk about our embarrassing moments, and maybe even laugh about them!

Amy: True... Well, I'll go first! When I was first learning how to fight with my hammer, I used to always lose my balance and fall since my hammer was so heavy! Also, I used to accidentally hit myself with it! You know, looking back at that, it's actually pretty funny, and I like knowing how far I've come with fighting with my hammer!

Tails: Well, when I was trying to make my first invention, I screwed up so badly! I kept on getting electrocuted by the wires since I didn't exactly know how to work them! I used to lose all the parts to my machine! Oh, and did I mention how I used to have to restart building my machine because it didn't come out the way I wanted it to? You know what, I actually still laugh about all that to this day!

Knuckles: Well, one time when I was a kid, my mother left me home alone to watch over the house! And I did the stupidest thing any child can ever do! I threw a party without my mother knowing, and I invited all of my friends! And the worst part is that during the party, one of the kids there stole my mom's brand new diamond necklace, and she totally freaked out when she found out, and I got grounded for three months. Looking back at it, I actually enjoyed being a stupid child, but I'm still planning on beating up the kid who stole my mom's necklace and got me grounded!

Rouge: [Whlisting]

Shadow: Well, I don't have any embarrassing moments because I don't make a fool of myself like the rest of you!

Rouge: Shadow, quit trying to lie! You do have an embarrassing moment!

Shadow: Uh... W-what are you talking about!]?!

Rouge: When Shadow and I were younger, I went to the bathroom to touch up on my makeup, not even knowing that Shadow was in there, and I heard him singing! [Laughs]

Shadow: Uh... That must've been someone that sounded like me!

Kat: Oh, I didn't know that you liked singing, Shadow!

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