Baby Fauna!!! (Ft. Fauna the Butterfly)

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Infinite: [He looked at the cover of the album] Hmm

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Infinite: [He looked at the cover of the album] Hmm... okay... Let's see what's in here. [He opened the book to the first page, only to see Fauna as a newborn, with the subtitle "Welcome to the world, Fauna the Butterfly"] 

Fauna: Hey! That's me when I was a newborn!

Infinite: [He was blushing] So it is... [He turned to the next page, only to see a picture of Fauna taking her first steps, with the subtitle "Fauna's first steps"]

Fauna: Hey, I remember taking my first steps! I did stumble and fall a lot, but I managed to get it right!

Infinite: [He was laughing when Fauna said she kept stumbling and falling]

Fauna: Hey! Don't make fun of me!

Infinite: I'm sorry. Aren't you the one who said that I could tease you while looking at these photos?

Fauna: [Crossing her arms] Fair enough...

Infinite: [He turned to the next page, only to see a picture of Fauna learning how to fly, with the subtitle "Fauna's first flight"]

Fauna: Oh yeah! This was my first time flying! My parents just told me to flap my wings, and that's what I did! It was easy, really!

Infinite: You're lucky to have parents that care for you, Fauna... [He turned to the next page, only to see a picture of Fauna eating some cereal, with the subtitle "Fauna's first bowl of cereal"]

Fauna: Oh, that's me eating my favorite cereal!

Infinite: I bet you dropped a few pieces on the floor.

Fauna: Hey! That's true!

Infinite: Knew it! [He turned to the next page, only to see a picture of Fauna having her 4th birthday, with the subtitle "Happy 4th birthday, Fauna!"]

Fauna: Oh, this is my 4th birthday party! To be honest, it was my favorite birthday! I got lots of presents, had a delicious cake, and had the best time of my life!

Infinite: That must've been fun for you, Fauna! I never really understood what's so great about birthdays, since I never got a birthday party, but as long as your happy, Fauna, I'm happy! [He turned to the next page, only to see a picture of Fauna getting ready to go to school, with the subtitle "Fauna's first day of kindergarten"]

Fauna: [She sighed] I remember my first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday! I was really nervous at first, but my mom told me that I was gonna have fun and make new friends, and I did!

Infinite: Kindergarten is the only good year of school. After that, school just goes downhill from there...

Fauna: [She laughed] Yeah!

Infinite: [He closed to photo album] Well, that's all I'm gonna look at for now. I'm gonna take a break.

Fauna: Me too! Did you enjoy those photos, Infinite?

Infinite: Yeah. Thanks for letting me look at these photos, Fauna.

Fauna: No problem!

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