Dare for Espio, Amy, and Clover

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Amy: Great news, everyone! I just got us another dare!

Kat: Awesome! I wonder what it is!

Amy: Well, we're about to find out! [Reads over the dare, making her blush] O-Oh my...

Espio: What's wrong, Amy?

Amy: [Shows everyone the dare]

Espio: [Blushes] S-She wants us to kiss

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Espio: [Blushes] S-She wants us to kiss...?

Amy: I guess so...

Tails: Look on the brightside, you too! At least Clover has to watch, so you can make her suffer!

Clover: [Her eye starts twitching] What?! No way! I am not watching them kiss!

Tails: You have to, Clover?

Clover: No I don't! It doesn't say anywhere that I have to watch them!

Fauna: [Somehow appears] Oh, I forgot to mention that if you don't watch them, you'll have to wear the shock collar for another five chapters!

Clover: What?!

Fauna: So, will you watch them, or not?

Clover: [Growls] FINE!!!!! I'll watch them! But I'm not gonna like it!

Amy: Well, here goes nothing... [She and Espio kiss]

Clover: [Growls] This is unacceptable! I will not let that pink botch kiss my future husband! [Leaps towards Amy and tackles her] I WILL NOT LET YOU STEAL MY HUSBAND!!!!!

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Clover: [Growls] This is unacceptable! I will not let that pink botch kiss my future husband! [Leaps towards Amy and tackles her] I WILL NOT LET YOU STEAL MY HUSBAND!!!!!

Amy: [Smirks] Are you sure you wanna do this, Clover?

Clover: Of course I do! What makes you think that I woul- [She starts getting electrocuted] AHH!!!!! 

Amy: [Still smirking] Because of that! [Clover keeps getting electrocuted so much that she faints]

Espio: [Smirks] Well, I guess that's over with!

Tails: And since Clover tried to attack Amy, she'll have to wear the collar for another five chapters!

Fauna: Yep! Serves her right!

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