The Chaotix and the Orderix!

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Vector: Oh! You mean the guy you created! Well, I think Vortex is pretty cool! Although, he's not a very good person

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Vector: Oh! You mean the guy you created! Well, I think Vortex is pretty cool! Although, he's not a very good person... Why would he betray O'Knux like that?! That's so mean! I would never betray my friends! 

Espio: I find Nage to be quite interesting! His past is interesting, and I hope to meet him someday!

Charmy: I think Curse is amazing! His design is cute, and his past kinda reminds me of a certain someone... Though I can't put my finger on it... Probably just my imagination!

Knuckles: Even though I don't know much about him, O'Knux seems like a pretty cool guy!

Crystal: Crackle's design looks so cool! And she's a rockstar! Awesome! The only problems I have with her is that she likes raisin cookies! How evil! She also fights with Nage a lot, and as an Espio simp, it makes me sad...

Kat: Oh! I'm actually gonna make two characters for this AU based on me and Pico named Kiara and Piicono! Kiara is a manipulative entertainer who follows biddings from Devil and Dice, and Piicono is a robot created by Devil to destroy the world! 

Pico: That sounds cool, babe! Glad to see you made me a robot!

Vector: We can hardly wait to learn more about the Orderix! 

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