Espio and Fauna's "Date" (Ft. Fauna the Butterfly)

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Espio: I don't know about this

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Espio: I don't know about this... I already betrayed Amy's trust by making her think I was dating Silver... I don't wanna betray her trust again...

Fauna: Yeah, and when it comes to acting, I'm an expert at it! Is there a way we can skip this dare, Kat?

Kat: Nope! It's a dare, and you can't skip it! That's not how the game works! So, you guyss either have to do the dare, or give up your souls!

Fauna: I'd rather have Amy be mad at me for the rest of my life than give up my soul!

Espio: Seriously, who's idea was this?!

Kat: Uh... Everyone's... We all signed a contract.

Espio: I hate contracts!

Fauna: I just hope Amy and Infinite don't find out about this...

Kat: Oh, don't worry! They won't know anything about this! [What the chameleon and butterfly didn't know is that Kat had her fingers crossed. We then cut to Kat walking over to Amy and Infinite] Ah! I'm surprised you guys didn't try to kill each other.

Infinite: Mostly because Fauna would get mad at me if I tried to kill one of her best friends...

Amy: Simp. Anyway, what did you call us in here for, Kat?

Kat: Well, Espio and Fauna are going on a date, and you guys were dared to spy on them!

Infinite: Wait... MY Fauna is going on a date with THAT purple reptile?!

Amy: Why would Fauna try to steal my boyfriend from me?! I thought we were BFFs!

Kat: Do you guys want revenge on your ex-lovers for cheating on you?

Amy and Infinite: YES!!!!!!

Kat: Then why don't you guys disguise yourself as a married couple and not only spy on them, but when the time comes, undisguised yourselves and pretend you're on a date!

Amy: WHAT?!!!!!


Amy: We're enemies!

Kat: Do you guys wanna get revenge on Espio and Fauna, or not?

Amy: She has a point...

Infinite: Hmm...

Kat: So, do we have a plan?

Amy: I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's do it!

Infinite: For once, I agree with the pink rodent!

Kat: Great! They should be at that fancy Japanese restaurant you guys went to last time.

Amy: Huh?

Kat: I mean the one you guys, Espio, and Fauna went to on your double date!

Amy: Oh yeah! Come on, Infinite! Let's get ready!

Infinite: Yeah. [We then cut to when the main four were at the restaurant]

Espio: I still don't feel good about betraying Amy's trust like this, Fauna...

Fauna: Maybe... Like I said before, I am an expert about... But I'm pretty sure they'll never figure out! We didn't tell anyone, you know!

Espio: I know, but Amy's gonna find out eventually...

Fauna: Tell you what, we'll tell Amy and Infinite after the date, explain everything to them, and I'm sure they'll understand!

Espio: Maybe... I guess...

Waiter: [He walked over to Espio and Fauna] Your orders, Madame and Misore?

Espio: I'll take the Maki-Roll.

Fauna: And I'll take the double chocolate cupcake!

Waiter: [Writing down the orders] Coming right up! [He left and went over to Amy and Infinite]

Amy: This is totally gonna work, Infinite!

Infinite: I hope so... And don't say my actually name! You'll give us away!

Amy: Oops... Sorry...

Waiter: [He walked over to Amy and Infinite] Your orders, Madame and Misore?

Amy: I'll take the alfredo, please!

Infinite: Just get me a glass of water.

Waiter: [Writing down the orders] Coming right up! [He left]

Espio: [Watching Amy and Infinite from the other table] Is it just me, or does that couple over there look familiar? [He pointed at Amy and Infinite]

Fauna: Eeh. It's probably just your imagination.

Espio: Maybe... Now what do we do?

Fauna: Should we kiss?

Espio: Wouldn't that be too much?

Fauna: It can be a stage kiss, just like last time!

Espio: Well, if you say so... 

Fauna: [She put her hand on Espio's cheek and put her thumbs on his lips before kissing her thumb, making it look like she was kissing Espio]

Infinite: [He saw Espio and Fauna stage kissing] It was a trick?!

Amy: So, those guys think they can fool us by stage kissing, don't they?! [She turned to Infinite] Should we start now?

Infinite: Yes! [They took off their disguises]

Espio: [He looked over at Amy and Infinite] I knew that "couple" looked familiar!

Fauna: What is it, Espio?

Espio: It looks like Amy and Infinite were spying on us! Oh, they're good!

Amy: [She grabbed both of Infinite's hands] Oh, Infinite, I've always loved you!

Espio and Fauna: WHAT?!!!!!

Infinite: Uh... What are you doing?

Amy: [Whispering] Just play along!

Infinite: Oh, right! Amy Rose, I've always loved you, too...

Amy: Kiss me, dangerous!

Infinite: Only if you kiss me gorgeous! [They both hesitantly kissed each other on the lips, much and Espio and Fauna's shock]

Espio and Fauna: HEY!!!!!

Amy: [She stopped kissing Infinite and looked over to Espio and Fauna with a smirk on her face] Hah! Gotcha both!

Espio: T-This was a prank?!

Infinite: Exactly! Just like how this pretend date was a prank!

Fauna: Okay, sure... But did you guys really have to kiss?!

Amy: Sorry about that, you two! We needed to make it look realistic! We promise we'll make it up to you!

Espio: You better!

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