Babysitting w/ Fauna and Infinite (Ft. Fauna the Butterfly)

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Infinite: The reason why Rover and Updike need babysitters because every time I leave them home alone, they always either get into a massive fight, or the base is destroyed when I get back!

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Infinite: The reason why Rover and Updike need babysitters because every time I leave them home alone, they always either get into a massive fight, or the base is destroyed when I get back!

Fauna: Maybe I can help you out! I know a lot about babysitting!

Infinite: [Blushes] Err... Your help isn't really necessary, Fauna...

Fauna: It's either that or go back to your destroyed base and two kids fighting!

Infinite: [Sighs] Fine... Rover! Updike! Get in here!

Rover: Yes, Lord Infinite?

Updike: What is it, boss?

Infinite: [Points at Fauna] This is Fauna! And she's gonna help me babysit you two!

Updike: I'm sorry, what?!

Rover: No way! I don't need a babysitter!

Infinite: Well, too bad!

Rover and Updike: [Groaning]

Fauna: Alright, you two, I'm gonna turn my back for ten seconds, and if you guys aren't fighting when I turn around, you get a cookie!

Rover: Oh boy, cookie!

Updike: I will not be persuaded with your rewarding tactics!

Fauna: [Sighs] Fine! If you behave, I'll let you hit Whitty ONE TIME!

Kat: AW HELL NAW!!!!! [Jumps in front of Whitty, trying to protect him from Updike]

Updike: [Smirks] Now you're speaking my language.

Fauna: ONE!!!! TIME!!!! Understand?

Updike: [Sighs] Yes.

Fauna: Good! [Turns around, and Rover and Updike start fighting] They seem to be behaving themselves right now, Infinite!

Infinite: Just you wait. In about 5 seconds, they'll start fighting.

Fauna: Don't say that! I'm sure they'll behave themselves! They are right now! Besides, it's already been 5 seconds.

Infinite: They're fighting right now!

Fauna: Don't worry, Infinite! The best way for a babysitter to resolve issues is to let the kids resolve them themselves!

Infinite: True...

Fauna: And time's up! [Turns around. By now, Rover and Updike had stopped fighting] Were you two behaving yourselves

Rover and Updike: [Halos appear over their heads] Of course, Ms. Fauna!

Fauna: Good! [Starts digging in her bag] And as promised! [Pulls out a cookie and gives it to Rover]

Rover: [Shoves the cookie into his mouth] Thanks, Ms. Fauna!

Fauna: And as for you, Updike!

Updike: [Smirks] I can't wait! [Goes over to Whitty]

Kat: [Gets in front of Whitty and hisses at Updike, making herself look VERY fierce]

Updike: [Backs away]

Fauna: [Pulls a cookie out of her bag and offers it to Updike] Cookie?

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